The One Question Most People Don’t Know How to Answer

Tushar Thapar
3 min readApr 3, 2017


What do you do?

Probably the most widely asked question after “how are you?” or “Netflix and chill?”

And the question itself is way deeper than it sounds at that moment. When someone asks you what you do, what they’re essentially asking is what your human life amounts to, what your passion is, why are you working on whatever it is that you’re working on.

At that moment, replies like “Oh, I have a job at XYZ” or “I sell bedsheets” sound alike, except the variance in the answers never really hit us as they should.

Why the fuck are you doing that?

I’ve always been a confused human being when it comes to work. I’ve tried to do various different things from launching gaming apps to selling stuff on Amazon and sibling portals.

Why have I never been satisfied with what I did? I’m sure there are people who are in love in launching gaming apps, people who can’t wait to get up and go sell stuff on Amazon, or people who rush to their job in full swing.

And of course, there people who are just miserable in their line of work.

So what makes a person choose what they will do for as long as they live?

What makes that decision rock solid?

How are more people not confused and scratching their heads every time they get asked what they do?

How is it that some people get to say “Oh, I’m made for this!” and some people get to work on something they don’t even like?

At what age is that decision finalised? Why do people switch? How much time does it take for a person to realise what they want to do?

What’re people’s dreams and what are they doing to achieve them?

I know it just as well could be a changing landscape when it comes to our careers, as I have personally witnessed to be the case.

What I aim to do.

My mission for the next I don’t know how long is to find out the answers to these questions.

I will be going out and talking to as many people as I can, including my friends, my family, acquaintances, and total strangers on the road and on the internet.

I want to get into the psychology of career choices. What influences play the biggest part, how some people manage to break free of the norm and how some people stay stuck.

I will be writing about the most interesting people I find and their stories. Maybe we get to learn surprising factors that we never considered.

Follow me to be a part of this journey and learn about the psychology of career choices.

Maybe you were meant to be a fisherman and not a hedge fund manager.

Maybe you’re meant to build the next Facebook and not be a professional ice hockey player.

Who knows?

For now, just let me know one thing…

What do you do?

Since I start off with my journey, I shall bring to you the most interesting stories about people, their choices about what they do, and what influences those choices. We will together find out and answer the long held question of how people choose what they want to become in life and what they do about it.

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