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False Positive Tests in Jest with Promises!



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This article talks about false positive tests in Jest with Promises

When you write assertion inside resolution of a Promise i.e. then or catch block, then it becomes mandatory to follow either of below three,

1. The test should return the Promise who’s resolution behaviour is under test

Assume `getData()`when resolved will return ‘Hi’

it(‘should say hi on getting data’, () => {
return getData().then((data) => {

If you don’t return the Promise from getData(), then the test becomes false positive, and below invalid test will keep passing,

it(‘should say hi on getting data’, () => {
getData().then((data) => {

2. The test should use async await

it(‘should say hi on getting data’, async () => {
await getData().then((data) => {

If you now change the expectation from ‘Hi’ to ‘Foo..’ then this test will fail.

3. The test should use jasmines done callback

it(‘should say hi on getting data’, (done) => {
getData().then((data) => {

If you now change the expectation from ‘Hi’ to ‘Foo..’ then this test will fail.

There is no issue for #2 and #3 above. But most of the developers follow #1 and which comes with possibility of test becoming false positive..

How to solve that ?

A Lint rule -thats it!

Create a lint rule which verifies that, a test returns Promise, if there are assertion statements inside Promise resolution block.

I was fortunate enough to do a contribution for this in eslint-plugin-jest. This lint rule is now released.

Interestingly this rule caught one false positive test in Jest itself. It also caught many false positive tests in some of the project that I work on. If you also work on a project which uses Jest and Promises, then run this rule, you may also catch some false positive tests.

Enjoy, Happy Linting !😃

