How To Choose A Good Security Agency For Your Society

Tuskers India
3 min readOct 7, 2022


Each day, the need for good security services has grown many folds. All of us want to live in a society where families are safe and kids can play freely, in the society complex.

Security Agency

So investing in a reliable security agency is very important and the need of the hour.

There are a number of security companies around. Below are a few factors you should consider before hiring a security agency.

1. Make sure the security agency is licensed

Every security agency must be governed by PSARA i.e Private security agencies regulation act/2005.

As per the license, the agency is expected to follow these:

● Have a skilled and trained workforce.
● Monitor the health condition and dress code required for the guards.
● The company needs to start working within 6 months of receiving the license.

2. Find the guard attrition rate

This is the pace at which the employees leave the company. Therefore, it decides whether the agency is reliable or not. Hence choose one, where it is on the lower side.

3. Ask for the agency’s service level agreement

This acts as a guideline for both the agency and the customer. For agencies, it defines all services they are liable to provide to their stakeholders. To a customer, it clears what all procedures can be done in the case of an issue.

4. Ensure quality of service

Some of the pointers which can help you to check an agency’s quality are:

● How is the conduct of the guard dealt with?
● How far are the guards trained to deal with unexpected and stressful situations?
● Does every guard have a license?

5. Investigate if the agency is adhering to government rules

Every security agency is bound to adhere to state government rules. For ex: a minimum of 8 hours per shift is mandatory for all employees.

6. Try to find if the company is customer service oriented

Good customer service-oriented agencies will always make their customer their top priority. You can observe this by checking if the agency is handling customer queries and concerns in a friendly and efficient manner or not.

7. Inquire about the equipment used by the agency

There has been a rapid increase in crime rates in the recent past. Hence, there is a need for a sophisticated, high end security system in residential societies too. So checking the equipment used by the agency is very important. The checks may be based on the system used by the company which may be hardware, manual or app-based systems.

8. Choose quality over the price

Security is something which cannot be compromised. If you are satisfied with the service quality then the price doesn’t really matter.

About Tuskers India

Tusker is a renowned Security Company in Gurgaon. They have a big team of trained security personnel, who are professional, expert and ethical in conduct.
You can reach Tuskers India Here.

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