Top 5 Things that are a must before you Graduate College

5 min readJun 20, 2019


As a college student, there are a plethora of new things and incidents that you encounter and experience. While not all of them may be pleasant, each one teaches you a lesson for life. Invariably, there are certain experiences that a student must come across during his/her college days. Without experiencing some of these, your college life will definitely be incomplete. If you are a college student, use this post to create a bucket list for what you should do before you graduate college.

If you have already graduated, why not see what all you did experience and walk down the memory lane to reminisce about some of the most beautiful days of your life. Before you move on to the top 5 list, do remember that these are just a few things that most grad students look forward to. It is not suggestive of how your college life ought to look like. If you are enjoying your college life and learning along the way, you’re on the right track.

Audition for a College Society

To begin with, what all college students do on their first day is register their names for different societies or clubs that the college endorses. While not all of the students make it to the final selection, auditioning is in itself an experience to look forward to. Almost all colleges have at least over 10–12 societies ranging from performing arts like dance, music, etc to others like the environment club, etc.

There is no limit on the number of societies you can audition for. Go for all that you have a passion for. At the end of it, you may have to choose just one or two to finally join, if you qualify. However, the adrenaline rush of preparing for your audition is one of a kind and nothing can compare.

Explore Online Learning

While in school, you were bound by a rigid schedule and curriculum of study. Of course, this rarely left any possibility of exploring unconventional sources of learning and disciplines outside the curriculum. Well, college offers you this flexibility if used efficiently. Online learning is one of the most effective forms of unconventional learning where you can explore content way beyond your prescribed curriculum.

Additionally, online learning can supplement your academic pursuits to help you improve your grades. For instance, online platforms, like are successfully helping engineering students get academic help online from the best global subject matter experts. Such platforms are a boon to students who require assistance to perform well academically, but are unable to get access to the right tutors. Therefore, if you are in college, and you haven’t tried online learning, you are missing out on a big learning opportunity.

Intern with Experts

For most students, school is more about theoretical learning and conceptual clarity. College has more to it than reading theory. It involves getting practical experience and doing more than reading. The best way to get hands on experience is to apply for internships in the fields that attract you the most. The thing about internships is that they allow you to learn on the job. You do not have to carry a lot of experience. All you need is a will to learn. Interning has a plethora of benefits, including the flexibility to try different avenues before you figure out what suits you the best.

Additionally, internships allow you to learn the best ways to juggle between work and studies, teaching you time management. What is more is that internships are a great way to get some extra pocket money while in college. Therefore, when in college, do undertake internships. Not only will they help you earn a little on the side, but also allow you to learn on the job. The best of both worlds, isn’t it?

Attend College Fests

One of the most attractive experiences in college life are the annual cultural fests. Almost every college hosts a cultural fest annually. Students from home college as well as others become a part of this event. College fests are full of color, brightness and excitement. With multiple activities going on simultaneously in different rooms, college fests are the place to be during your college life. Mostly spread over two days, college fests are not only a place for enjoyment and fun, amidst performances and food.

They can in fact be a great networking place to meet students from different colleges and explore similar interests. Additionally, college fests can be a great place to showcase your talents as well. You can take part in different ongoing competitions or even put up a stall. In a nutshell, college fests are an excellent opportunity to have fun and bond with college buddies, while at the same time meeting new people and not to miss, attending scintillating celebrity performances.

Volunteer at Events

Finally, one of the last things that you must give a try when in college is to volunteer at different events. You may or may not be a part of your college NSS (National Service Scheme), but you can volunteer, nonetheless. Do not restrict you volunteering will to only events, go beyond that too, if your schedule permits. Volunteering at college events is a great way to reach closer to the core organizing committee and get greater mileage in the next one.

Additionally, it comes with a feel good factor to doing something good either for your college or the community at large. Finally, it is also a mandate for numerous colleges to volunteer time and effort to receive your final degree. Thus, be it a cultural event, or an academic session of your department, be on the forefront when it comes to volunteering.

These are some of the experiences that students look forward to, especially from their college life. While this is a small list, there are several other experiences you may have come across that are something to look forward to. Do share with us, what you feel are some things that college students must experience before they graduate.

