Spruce Up Your Style: Using Roboto Font with CSS

3 min readMay 16, 2024


Roboto, a clean and versatile sans-serif typeface developed by Google, has become a popular choice for web design. Its crisp lines and balanced proportions make it ideal for both headings and body text, offering a professional and modern look to your website.

There are two main approaches to incorporating Roboto font into your CSS:

  1. Self-Hosting the Font Files: This method gives you more control over the font files, but requires storing them on your own server and managing their delivery.
  2. Using Google Fonts: This is a convenient and efficient way to use Roboto, as Google handles the font hosting and delivery through a CDN (Content Delivery Network).

1. Self-Hosting Roboto Fonts

Here’s how to set up Roboto using self-hosted font files:

  • Download Roboto Fonts: Head over to [Roboto font download] and choose the desired weights (e.g., regular, bold, italic) you want to use on your website.
  • Place the Font Files: Upload the downloaded font files (typically .woff or .ttf) to a directory on your web server.

The CSS Code:

@font-face {
font-family: 'Roboto';
src: url('path/to/Roboto-Regular.woff') format('woff'),
url('path/to/Roboto-Regular.ttf') format('truetype');
font-weight: 400; /* Regular weight */
.my-element {
font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif; /* Specify Roboto first, fallback to sans-serif */


  • @font-face rule: This rule defines a new font family for your CSS.
  • font-family: Set the name of the font family as 'Roboto'.
  • src: Specify the location of the font files using url and format.
  • Replace path/to/ with the actual directory path where you uploaded the fonts.
  • font-weight: Define the weight of the font (e.g., 400 for regular, 700 for bold).

Applying the Font:

  • In your CSS, use the font-family property within selectors to apply Roboto to specific elements.
  • In the example, the .my-element class will use Roboto as the primary font, with "sans-serif" as a fallback for browsers that don't recognize Roboto.


  • More control over font files.


  • Requires managing font files on your server.
  • May introduce performance overhead if fonts are not optimized.

2. Using Roboto Fonts from Google Fonts

This method is simpler and more efficient:

  • Visit Google Fonts: Go to [Google Fonts] and search for “Roboto”.
  • Select Font Variants: Choose the specific weights and styles (e.g., regular, italic, bold) you want to use.
  • Generate Code: Click “Select styles” and then “Embed” to generate the HTML and CSS code snippet.

The Generated Code (Example):


<link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto:400,700italic,400italic,700" rel="stylesheet">


  • This code snippet includes a link to Google Fonts, specifying the chosen Roboto variants (weights and styles) using URL parameters.

Applying the Font:

  • Include the generated HTML code within the <head> section of your HTML document.


  • Easy to implement, no need to manage font files yourself.
  • Font delivery is optimized through Google’s CDN.


  • Relies on an external source (Google Fonts) for font delivery.

Additional Considerations:

  • Font Fallbacks: Always specify a fallback font family (e.g., sans-serif) in your CSS to ensure proper display even if Roboto fails to load.
  • Subset Selection: For optimal performance, consider using a web font optimization tool to generate subsets containing only the characters your website needs.

By following these steps, you can leverage the clean and modern aesthetic of Roboto fonts to enhance the visual appeal of your website. To practice CSS code start using CSS compiler where you can write and run your code free.




I'm a passionate software developer with a knack for turning ideas into reality through code or sharing my knowledge through articles and tutorials.