Behavior causing kidney disease

Tuy Fhgh
4 min readApr 12, 2019


Behavior causing kidney disease

Kidney disease is called a “silent killer”, and even if it is injured, you may not feel it. You often see in the news that someone is seeking medical treatment because of loss of appetite, anemia, or fatigue, but finds that it is already late in uremia!

Kidney injury behavior list

1st place: stay up all night

That’s right, the first place is staying up late!

In addition to the well-known liver injury, staying up late will also hurt the kidney. Sunset is the best way to live, and sleep at night is no later than 11 o’clock.

2nd place: drug abuse

Some drugs are very serious for kidney damage, such as the painkiller ibuprofen. People with coronary heart disease and cerebrovascular disease risk, it is necessary to eat aspirin, but pay attention to the dosage, 100 mg per day is enough, do not increase the amount. People who need long-term use of aspirin should regularly check urine routine and serum creatinine.

3rd place: health products

Some health products called “adding protein powder and improving resistance” are likely to cause excessive protein intake and burden the kidneys.

4th place: overworked

The first is physical labor, and the work with higher intensity leads to physical fatigue, which causes symptoms of kidney deficiency. Huge work stress and life stress lead to the inability to relax, mental work, tired of thinking too much, and easy to hurt the kidney.

5th place: too much sex life

People say that the wine is hurt, often drinking alcohol, excessive sexual life, are the killers of the kidney.

6th place: strenuous exercise

Work busy for a long time without exercise, sudden intense exercise may cause excessive kidney damage, severely leading to acute kidney failure.

7th place: eat more meat

I like to eat hot pot in winter, but eating too much meat can also hurt the kidneys. The foods commonly eaten in leek such as soy products are sorghum foods, and the high content of alfalfa in the soup of clam meat, coupled with eating and talking while eating, is easy to eat, which will cause the spleen and stomach to be overburdened. It will also increase the burden on the kidneys.

In fact, eating too salty, too sweet, too oily, too much protein will also increase the burden on the kidneys.

8th place: seafood + beer

Many people like to drink beer on seafood. Seafood products are high-protein foods that contain bismuth and glycolide components. When mixed with beer, they produce excessive metabolites such as uric acid and urea nitrogen, which increase the burden on the kidneys, easily lead to hyperuricemia, and even kidney stones and uremia.

9th place: often drink strong tea

Tea contains caffeine, a small amount can play a refreshing role if excessive intake will make blood flow faster, blood pressure rises. The body often contains a high concentration of caffeine, which puts a huge burden on the kidneys. In addition, tea contains more tannic acid, which easily combines with iron in the body to become a poorly soluble substance, which can cause kidney stones.

№10: I am upset

Modern people have great pressures on their work and life. This kind of irritability can also hurt the kidneys.

“Help signal” for kidney damage

Kidney disease is known as a silent killer, but it is not without performance, but if you have these atypical symptoms, it may be that your kidney is asking for help:

There is foam in the urine. Healthy people urinate 4 to 6 times a day, urine volume is about 1000 ml ~ 2500 ml, if the amount of urine is too much or too little, or too many nights, there is foam in the urine, it should be noted.

The whole body has no strength. When the kidney function is not good, many wastes are difficult to excrete from the urine, and there will be feelings of lack of energy, fatigue, and fatigue.

Edema appears. Patients with chronic kidney disease due to decreased renal excretion function, hormone secretion caused by the kidneys and loss of urine protein, water, and sodium retention, causing eyelids and lower extremity edema.

Bad appetite, nausea, and vomiting. Chronic kidney disease patients will have a variety of gastrointestinal symptoms, especially after gastrointestinal edema, often do not think about diet, abdominal distension and other symptoms of digestive disorders. In renal failure, blood urea nitrogen is increased, decomposed into ammonia in the intestine, stimulating the gastrointestinal mucosa, causing nausea and vomiting.

Healthy people can check for urine disease every six months to find out if there is kidney disease. If there is early kidney disease, the urine routine will be abnormal. At this time, add a little extra cost. Check the kidney function to confirm the diagnosis.

