A Complete Guide To Bladder Mesh Lawsuit.

3 min readSep 24, 2018


Stress urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse is a common health hazard faced by adult women specially after child birth, hysterectomy, or menopause. Surgical implant of transvaginal mesh is a frequent procedure to treat these complications. It is intended to permanently repair SUI and POP conditions, however, they have been associated with some severe health complications.

The FDA approved of the surgical implant as the manufacturing companies labeled them to be a safe and effective alternative to the existing treatment methods. Unfortunately, this procedure caused severe complications is some women who took it to the court to file bladder mesh lawsuit.

As a patient, you should ask the doctor about the following before the implant procedure:

· what are the benefits of this procedure

· if there is any other alternative treatment available

· what are the possible side effects

· whether they are using quality tested mesh

· what to do when there is any complication after the implant

Mesh erosion and organ perforation

Of the many health complications occurring from transvaginal mesh implant, one of the most common yet serious side effects is mesh erosion. The bladder mesh lawsuit claims for monetary damage awards for the complications faced due to mesh erosion. Patients often have to go through mesh removal surgery which is not always successful in the first go. Repetitive incision in the surgical area can lead to chronic pain along with severe chances of infection.

The consequences of mesh erosion can be severe. Although the chances of organ perforation are high during the implant surgeries itself but mesh erosion leads to an increased risk of internal damage. The following complications have been reported in the bladder mesh lawsuit:

· Urinary tract infections that requires antibiotic treatment

· Vaginal scarring which results in painful intercourse

· Nerve damage and subsequent loss of sensation

· Chronic or recurring pain

· Vaginal shrinkage leading to pain, irritation, and discomfort during urination

· Emotional turbulence

FDA and its role in transvaginal mesh complications

The transvaginal surgical meshes have been categorized as a high-risk medical device from moderate-risk device by the FDA. The manufacturing companies have been asked to verify their products as safe and effective as they initially advertised.

The following are the common points of argument in any bladder mesh lawsuit:

· There was no warning about the post surgical risks of the implant of these products

· The devices were not made from the promised quality materials which led to health risks

· There were not enough clinical research about the product before releasing them into the market

· The manufacturers failed to maintain the specifications for the products, which by extension means compromising on the effectiveness of the product

The victims of the vaginal mesh implant can claim for reimbursement of:

· The medical expenses for the ongoing and the future treatments

· Wage loss and the inability to earn in future

· Loss of marriage

· Compensation for a degraded quality of life

Whatever it is, the patients who suffered from the complications must speak to the expert attorneys to see if their case is eligible for bladder mesh lawsuit. The manufacturing companies continued advertising the product even though there were reports about the severities of mesh implications. Moreover, they did not do proper clinical research before introducing them to the market for public use. It is utterly immoral for these pharmaceutical giants to make defective medical products and pull off commercial gain at the cost of public health.




The TVM411 is a legal firm that that can help you understand how to safeguard yourself against complications of meshes procedures that have failed.