Facts About Transvaginal Mesh Complications and Lawsuits

3 min readFeb 19, 2018


There has been a recent surge in transvaginal mesh-related cases and with good reason. This procedure has led to a number of serious consequences and side effects in many patients. It has even caused a number of fatalities due to complications, which could have been avoided if patients had access to the right information regarding the mesh implant. These lawsuits relate specifically to synthetic meshes and not biological mesh implants. Here are some facts you need to know about these implants:

1. What are transvaginal or bladder meshes?

These meshes are made from synthetic fibers and are designed to treat problems like stress urinary incontinence (SUI) or pelvic organ prolapse (POP). The mesh is implanted in the pelvic region and works to support the damaged and weakened tissue. Every year, at least 100,000 women undergo this procedure and choose a synthetic implant instead of other safer options available in the market because they don’t have enough information to make the right decision.

2. What kind of complications do patients face?

Synthetic vaginal mesh implants can cause a number of big and small complications, and some of these are life-threatening. Here’s a small list of complications you can face if you have recently undergone the procedure:

  • Patients can experience sharp and severe abdominal pains or cramps.
  • The edge of the mesh can dig into and injure the surrounding tissue and muscle and the injury can fester and develop infections.
  • The mesh can erode and small synthetic fibers can enter the bloodstream. If this fibers or fragments reach other organs, they can cause extensive damage and more infections as well.
  • The mesh can also be a hub for harmful bacteria because it provides a hospitable environment.

If you experience any of these complications, seek treatment quickly and then contact an experienced and knowledgeable lawyer in this field.

3. What do you need to know about the lawsuits?

A number of patients have filed bladder mesh lawsuit against the manufacturers of these meshes and many have won generous settlements. Here are some reasons why you should consider filing a lawsuit:

  • The meshes were fast-tracked through the FDA and the test reports weren’t examined thoroughly enough.
  • The manufacturers didn’t test and examine the meshes carefully to ensure there were safe to use and lived up to established medical standards.
  • These meshes were presented as the best solution available so patients didn’t investigate other options available to them.

These problems would’ve been avoided if the manufacturers and the FDA didn’t allow the implant to slip through the cracks.

If you have recently experienced any complications or serious health problems because of the implant, contact an experienced lawyer as soon as you can. The lawyer will study the case and determine its scope. They’ll examine the details and explain whether you can file a bladder mesh lawsuit against the manufacturers. These cases are subject to the Statute of Limitations so it’s important to contact the lawyer as soon as you can.




The professionals of TVM-Alerts provide solutions to people who are facing problems after using the surgical mesh products. http://tvmalerts.com/