From the Library of Alexandria to GPT-4: A Journey Through the Evolution of Knowledge Storage and Retrieval

scitechtalk tv
8 min readJun 1, 2023


Once upon a time, in the ancient city of Alexandria, there stood a magnificent library. Founded in the 3rd century BC, the Library of Alexandria was one of the largest and most comprehensive libraries of the ancient world. It contained tens of thousands of written works, including texts on philosophy, science, mathematics, literature, and more. The library was open to scholars from all over the world, and visitors could come and read the texts that were housed there. It was constantly evolving, with new works being added to its collection on a regular basis.

The Library of Alexandria was an important milestone in the evolution of knowledge storage and retrieval. It demonstrated the power of centralized knowledge repositories and the value of making information accessible to a wide range of people. However, it was limited by physical space, and the technology of the time was limited to manual labor for copying, storing, and retrieving written works.

Fast forward to the 21st century, and we have seen a dramatic evolution in the way we store and retrieve knowledge. One of the most exciting developments in recent years has been the rise of large language models like GPT-3, which are powered by advanced artificial intelligence algorithms.

GPT-3 is a language model that is trained on massive amounts of text-based data and can generate high-quality responses to a wide range of questions and prompts. It is housed on servers and accessed through the internet, making it accessible to anyone with an internet connection.

One of the key advantages of GPT-3 is its virtually unlimited storage capacity. It can store vast amounts of data on servers, making it possible for it to access and process much larger amounts of information than the Library of Alexandria ever could.

Another advantage of GPT-3 is its speed and scalability. It can analyze, process, and generate text at a speed and scale that would have been unthinkable in the time of the Library of Alexandria. This has opened up new possibilities for knowledge retrieval and has made it possible to generate insights and answers to complex questions in real-time.

However, GPT-3 is not without its limitations. As a language model, it is still limited by the quality and quantity of the data it is trained on, and it can struggle with tasks that require a deeper understanding of context and nuance.

Despite these limitations, the evolution of knowledge storage and retrieval has come a long way since the days of the Library of Alexandria. From the early days of manual labor and physical repositories to the advanced AI-powered models of today, we have seen a remarkable transformation in the way we store, access, and utilize knowledge. Who knows what the future may hold with the development of GPT-4 and other advanced AI models?

Modern-day large language models and the ancient Library of Alexandria have some similarities and differences.


  • Both are vast repositories of knowledge. The Library of Alexandria was one of the largest and most comprehensive libraries of the ancient world, while modern-day large language models like GPT-3 contain an enormous amount of text-based information.
  • Both are accessible to a wide range of people. The Library of Alexandria was open to scholars from all over the world, while modern-day large language models can be accessed via the internet by anyone with an internet connection.
  • Both are constantly evolving. The Library of Alexandria was constantly adding new works to its collection, while modern-day large language models are trained on vast amounts of new data to improve their accuracy and usefulness.


  • The Library of Alexandria was a physical repository, while modern-day large language models are digital. The Library of Alexandria contained physical books, scrolls, and other written works, while modern-day large language models are housed on servers and accessed through the internet.
  • The Library of Alexandria was limited by physical space, while modern-day large language models have virtually unlimited storage capacity. The Library of Alexandria was limited by the amount of physical space available to store books and scrolls, while modern-day large language models can store vast amounts of data on servers.
  • The Library of Alexandria was limited by the technology of the time, while modern-day large language models are powered by advanced artificial intelligence algorithms. The Library of Alexandria relied on manual labor to copy, store, and retrieve written works, while modern-day large language models are trained using advanced machine learning algorithms to analyze, process, and generate text.

In summary, while both modern-day large language models and the ancient Library of Alexandria are vast repositories of knowledge, they differ in their physical form, storage capacity, and technology used to access and utilize the information they contain.

A potential timeline for the evolution of knowledge storage and retrieval:

  • 3rd century BCE: The Library of Alexandria is founded in Egypt, becoming one of the largest and most significant libraries of the ancient world.
  • 1440: Johannes Gutenberg invents the printing press, making it possible to produce books in large quantities and making them more widely available.
  • 1665: The first scientific journal, the Journal des sçavans, is published in France, marking the beginning of the modern scientific publication system.
  • 1926: The first commercial television transmission is made in the United Kingdom, paving the way for a new medium of communication and entertainment.
  • 1960s: The first computer databases are developed, allowing for the storage and retrieval of large amounts of information in digital form.
  • 1990s: The World Wide Web is created, making it possible to access and share information on a global scale.
  • 2010s: Large Language Models like GPT-3 are developed, using machine learning algorithms to process vast amounts of text and generate new insights in fields like natural language processing and machine translation.
  • Now: GPT-4, ChatGPT and others. Also AutoGPT ! (See later in this article).

Of course, this is just one possible timeline and there are many other milestones and developments in the history of knowledge storage and retrieval that could be included. However, it provides a broad overview of how the field has evolved over time and the key technological advances that have made it possible to store, access, and use information in new and innovative ways.

UPDATE ON January 18, 2024 :

Matthew Berman made an excellent video relating to this. Remember that the Library of Alexandria got lost because of an accident that destroyed the library in a fire! It is said that this caused a severe setback for the development of humanity!

But in our times that does not need to happen anymore, because the Large Language Models that are now at our disposal contain all of human knowledge and the open source LLMs that are now available can be downloaded and archived at your home. In the case of an extreme emergency (e.g. total Internet our power loss or EMP event or whatever), you have the ability to tap into this knowledge base of total human knowledge!

Matthew Berman explains it in greater and more technical detail in this video:

How To Store ALL Of Humanity’s Knowledge IN YOUR HOME (Tutorial)

How did the development of the printing press impact the spread of knowledge?

The development of the printing press had a profound impact on the spread of knowledge. Prior to the invention of the printing press, books and other written materials were produced by hand, which was a slow and expensive process. This meant that books were relatively rare and expensive, and only a small percentage of the population had access to them.
With the invention of the printing press by Johannes Gutenberg in the mid-15th century, books could be produced in large numbers at a much lower cost than before. This meant that books became more widely available and affordable, leading to a dramatic increase in literacy and the spread of knowledge.
The printing press allowed for the mass production of books, making it possible to produce copies of the same text quickly and efficiently. This made it easier to disseminate information to a wider audience, and it opened up new possibilities for education, research, and communication.
For example, the printing press made it possible to produce scientific texts and maps with greater accuracy and detail, leading to advances in fields like astronomy, geography, and cartography. It also made it easier to produce religious texts, leading to the spread of religious ideas and the Protestant Reformation in the 16th century.
Overall, the printing press played a crucial role in the spread of knowledge and the development of modern society. It made it possible to produce and distribute books on a scale that had never been seen before, and it laid the foundation for the democratization of knowledge that we continue to see today.

A list of super useful recent Large Language Models (LLMs) learning resources for AI practitioners

🔥 A list of super useful recent LLM learning resources for AI practitioners:

1) “Harnessing the Power of LLMs in Practice: A Survey on ChatGPT and Beyond “ <- presents a comprehensive and practical guide for practitioners working with LLMs in their downstream natural language processing (NLP) tasks. (it’s a good high level intro to the space of LLMs)

“These sources aim to help practitioners navigate the vast landscape of large language models (LLMs) and their applications in natural language processing (NLP) applications.”



LLM Evolutionary Tree

Check it out!

2) “Go smol or go home” — why do LLMs seem to be getting smaller? And how to optimally allocate your compute budget. :)) (got some GPUs to spare bro?)


3) “Parameter-Efficient LLM Finetuning With Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA)” — you will learn how to tune an LLM with Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) in a computationally efficient manner.


Bard can now code and put that code in Colab for you

Bard can now code and put that code in Colab for you. — YouTube

Google has now upgraded the public version of Bard to be able to create code and export python code to Colab. You can now get Bard to create code for you, debug coding problems and even analyze github repos and answer questions about them. This video goes through how to do this with python code and colab.

The video only showed Python but Bard can do other languages and frameworks. I encourage you to check it out for yourself.

AutoGPT — …

AutoGPT Full Tutorial:

Does ChatGPT or Google have an IQ? by Bruno Campello de Souza

Does ChatGPT or Google have an IQ?

Are the New AIs Smart Enough to Steal Your Job? IQ Scores for ChatGPT, Microsoft Bing, Google Bard and Quora Poe by Bruno Campello de Souza, Agostinho Serrano de Andrade Neto, Antonio Roazzi :: SSRN

MY QUESTION TO Bruno Campello de Souza on Quora:

I would like to now if the more recent developed AutoGPT would be able to have an ever higher IQ than the large language models you have researched in your paper.

This article is just a short introduction to all the Large Language Model talk already on the Internet. Keep checking this article later because I want to do experiments, especially with AutoGPT acting as an autonomuous agent!



scitechtalk tv

I write about AI and Data Science, with a special focus on Causality, Causal Inference and Causal Discovery. I have a background in Physics + ICT. Love AI !