Transform Your Data with These 4 Powerful SQL Functions: A Beginner’s Guide with Examples(9)

Tamanna shaikh
5 min readFeb 6, 2024


Data transformation is the process of changing the format, structure, or values of data to make it more suitable for analysis, reporting, or other purposes. SQL, or Structured Query Language, is a powerful tool for data transformation, as it allows you to manipulate data stored in relational databases using various functions and statements.

In this blog post, I will introduce you to four common SQL functions that can help you transform your data: CASE, COALESCE, CONCAT, and CAST/CONVERT. I will also provide some examples of how to use them in your queries. By the end of this post, you will have a better understanding of how to use SQL for data transformation and why it is important.

CASE Statement:

The CASE statement is a conditional logic statement that allows you to perform different actions based on different conditions. You can use it to create new columns, assign values, or control the flow of your query. The syntax of the CASE statement is as follows:

WHEN condition1 THEN result1
WHEN condition2 THEN result2

ELSE result N

The CASE statement evaluates each condition in order and returns the result of the first condition that is true. If none of the conditions are true, it returns the result of the ELSE clause. If there is no ELSE clause, it returns NULL.

For example, suppose you have a table called employees that contains the following columns: id, name, salary, and department. You want to create a new column called bonus that assigns a bonus amount based on the salary and department of each employee. You can use the CASE statement as follows:

COALESCE Function:

The COALESCE function is a function that returns the first non-NULL value from a list of arguments. You can use it to handle missing or unknown values in your data. The syntax of the COALESCE function is as follows:

COALESCE(value1, value2, …, valueN)

The COALESCE function evaluates each value in order, and returns the first value that is not NULL. If all the values are NULL, it returns NULL.

For example, suppose you have a table called customers that contains the following columns: id, name, email, and phone. You want to create a new column called contact that contains the preferred contact method of each customer. You can use the COALESCE function as follows:


The CONCATENATE (or CONCAT) function is a function that concatenates two or more strings together. You can use it to combine data from different columns or add prefixes or suffixes to your data. The syntax of the CONCATENATE function is as follows:

CONCATENATE(string1, string2, …, stringN)


CONCAT(string1, string2, …, stringN)

The CONCATENATE function returns a string that is the result of joining all the strings together. If any of the strings are NULL, it returns NULL.

For example, suppose you have a table called products that contains the following columns: id, name, price, and category. You want to create a new column called description that contains a brief description of each product. You can use the CONCATENATE function as follows:

CAST and CONVERT Functions:

The CAST and CONVERT functions are functions that allow you to change the data type of a value. You can use them to convert data from one type to another, such as from numeric to string, or from date to time. The syntax of the CAST and CONVERT functions are as follows:

CAST(value AS type)


CONVERT(type, value)

The CAST and CONVERT functions return a value of the specified type. If the conversion is not possible, they return an error.

For example, suppose you have a table called orders that contains the following columns: id, customer_id, product_id, quantity, and order_date. You want to create a new column called order_year that contains the year of each order. You can use the CAST or CONVERT function as follows:


I hope you enjoyed this blog post and learned something new and useful about data transformation with SQL. Data transformation is an essential skill for any data analyst, as it allows you to prepare and manipulate your data for various purposes. In this post, I showed you how to use four common SQL functions that can help you transform your data: CASE, COALESCE, CONCAT, and CAST/CONVERT. I also gave you some examples of how to use them in your queries.

If you found this blog post helpful, clap 👏here, share, and follow me on LinkedIn for more SQL tips and tricks. Also, don’t forget to check out my series of SQL guides and join the SQL learning community. You can also get my free ebook SQL for Students on Gumroad by liking and commenting below.

As a famous quote says, “Data is the new oil, and SQL is the new drill”. So, keep drilling and keep learning!

If you want to learn more resources, check out →1) LearnSQL, where you can practice and test your SQL skills from basic to Advanced and A to Z.

2. Designgurus, One-Stop Portal For Tech Interviews.

Thank you for reading 🔰and happy🙂 data transforming!



Tamanna shaikh

IT pro with 10+ years' experience in SQL & ERP. Also, explore Tech & AI together! LinkedIn: