5 Things You Can Do Immediately to Improve Your Life by 2165% — Quick Read — Huge Results

Chris Compton - @twainingwheels
2 min readOct 31, 2023


  1. STOP using text messaging for complex topics. Don’t ask for a raise via text. Don’t tell your lover you are pregnant via text. Don’t text your sister to say your husband has cancer. Texting is the digital equivalent of a post it note on a mirror. Would you leave a post it note for your wife that said “I’m having dinner with my ex-girlfriend, not a big deal.” ? Then don’t text it.
  2. Get off your ass. One of the primary factors in happiness is health. When you don’t feel good, when your body image is poor, when your immunity system is compromised, it is hard to really embrace life in a positive way. You don’t need Ozempic, you need to go outside and walk for thirty minutes a day regardless of the weather or your workload or anything else — no excuses accepted. Do 1 pushup today and 2 tomorrow. It adds up.
  3. Save some money. Commit to saving a specific amount of money on a regular basis. “I will save $5 from each paycheck” or “I will save 2% of each commission check.” It doesn’t matter how much. Put it in a special account — just a simple bank account, don’t overthink it. Set a reminder for 90 days. When the reminder goes off, raise your commitment to $6 or 2.1% or whatever. Set a new reminder. It adds up.
  4. Stop telling people why you can’t. “I don’t have time,” “I can’t afford it,” “My sciatica,” “I’m too old,” or my favorite — “I’m not you!” Fuck no, you aren’t, but you are you and your clock is ticking. @MavisCycle is 85 and she just rode her bicycle 1000 miles around Scotland. I am 58 and have been a fat heavy drinker for decades. I quit drinking and have lost 50 pounds since January. You can do anything. If you don’t want to do it, fine, but stop telling me why you can’t. You sound like a moron.
  5. Stop being so hard on yourself. Every single day is your chance to shine. Almost everyone fucked up their yesterday. Why should you be different? Today is a brand new day and you are the one running the show. Put some love in your heart. Apologize and move on. Take the first step — that’s a big part of achieving anything. Tell yourself a different story than the one you heard yesterday. You’ve got this!



Chris Compton - @twainingwheels

Author and Entrepreneur. Life is a constant search for connection and adventure. Biking from Miami to Seattle from4/29/24 - follow at twainingwheels.com