Historic Night: ‘Heroes’ of The Windsor Boys’ School back together

Written by Mark Wilkinson

TWBS Alumni News
2 min readMar 15, 2014

ON Wednesday 5th March, there was an Alumni gathering of former members of staff, current staff, current boys and some Old Boys at The Sir Christopher Wren Hotel in Windsor. This event is all in conjunction with the recently re-established TWBS Alumni which aims to ensure that “Old Windsorians” remain connected to the school and each other even when they have left the school.

The event saw many former members of staff who gave most of their working lives to the school — many worked at the school for over 20 years, and in some cases nearly 40 years. Much of the schools ethos and culture was developed by these individuals who put countless hours in and out of the classroom to give the boys the best education possible.

The event also brought together headmasters and deputy headmaster from the past and present and provided a unique photo and included Peter Blake OBE who joined the school in 1958 and became headmaster in 1978, retiring in 1997, thus spending 39 years at the school including 19 as Headmaster. Also present were Terry Cattermole, Deputy Headmaster for over 20 years, Peter Rawling, over 35 years of service, John Jackson, 30+ years and many more examples of long term commitment to the school

From right to left: Terry Cattermole, Peter Blake, Jeff Dawkins, Gavin Henderson, Tony Willis

The aim of the gathering was to inform these “Heroes of The Windsor Boys’ School” of the Alumni and to engage and connect with them — many of them keep in touch with Old Boys and the hope is to link Old Windsorians together to create a powerful Alumni that one day will benefit all the current boys. This event is the starting point, and hopefully the connections made will provide a platform to really develop the Alumni from.

Following the presentation, James White, Head Boy, summed up the evening by telling them all that even though many of them had not taught him or even knew him, they all had directly and indirectly affected his life by making the school what it is, with so many opportunities available to the students, which comes from the ethos developed over countless generations and continues to this day.

An amazing evening!



TWBS Alumni News

The Windsor Boys' School Alumni Association | Founded 1.01.14 | want to get back in touch please email alumni@twbs.co.uk