Beyoncé theory of design

Clare Curran
4 min readJul 12, 2018


This is an insight into the way I work, my inspirations and design practice. It includes some valuable lessons I have learnt along the way and the creative process I live by.

Music gets me through the day and is a great source of inspiration for me.

When I come up against a design problem, one of the things I ask myself is…what would Bey do?


‘I woke up like this’

Does a design just arrive all beautiful and fully functioning? On our team, we have a process; we don’t make it up as we go along.

Our process involves thinking, sketching, looking for inspiration, knowledge gathering, asking questions, analysing data.

During the research phase we capture information, talk to the user. What the user wants may not necessarily be what the user needs.

We give ourselves thinking time and space. Move away from the computer and all devices. Give yourself thinking space. Go outside, read a book, get some sunshine. Listen to Beyoncé 🙂

When solving problems we sketch, review, repeat on repeat. Ask questions, ask the user, and ask again.

Sharing of ideas, send it out into the world. Asking our peers to critique the work, get feedback. Use the feedback to make the work better.

Play and experimentation

‘I sneezed on the beat and the beat got sickah’

We sometimes come across magical elements that go into design that make it even better. These can be happy accidents that come as a result of experimentation and lateral thinking.

We need time for this kind of thinking and if not, we have to get inventive with limited time and budget. Inspiration is everywhere.

Team work

‘I got beauty, I got class, I got style and I got ass’

Knowing your powers and strong points and having the support of the team to help you excel in these areas. Have a mentor and continue to learn.

Knowing your team’s strong points and using their talents and skills to full potential. There is no ‘i’ in team and no idea is an island.

Change is good

‘Replacing you is so easy’

What makes it unique and irreplaceable? Is anything really irreplaceable? Processes should evolve and adapt to the task in hand.

As designers we are built to adapt, switch and change quickly and often. We have to embrace change and work in an agile way.

Build an experience

‘I’m more than what you made of me’

A brand is more than a logo and a piece of typography. What emotions do you want to evoke with a brand? What is the brands personality? If the brand had a voice how would it sound? What would it say?

There is not just one platform of design, think about how it can grow and expand onto other things.

It’s not just a product, it’s an experience.

Positivity wins!

‘My persuasion can build a nation’

The power of persuasion in design, and looking at how design can change lives. Positive messaging produces a different response to messaging that instils fear.

We aim to give clarity and produce visually appealing experiences, with consideration for the key message, how to make it succinct and feel like second nature to the user.

User testing

Always stay gracious, best revenge is your paper.

In tough times when a client is not in sync with the vision you have proposed, aim to keep the focus on the user and the testing process. User feedback is a powerful tool for convincing stakeholders.


Love you like XO

Some other things that inspire me…I love designs or brands that can retain their essence in an ever-evolving world. I look to other great designs for inspiration and question what made those successful and loveable.

Best examples of this are the products that adapt to the environment and the user. They are always simple solutions that are easy to use, like my iPhone.

Other examples are purely for aesthetic appreciation, like Dolce or Gucci.

I always ask myself, is there a simpler way?
Does this work as beautifully as it looks?
What about future proofing?
Can the process or product be smoother?

That’s all my words for today. I’d love to know what your design process is like. Where do you get your inspiration?

