Twelve Culture Series: Making Well-Being a Priority at Twelve. Namaste.

by Megan Henderson

Twelve Consulting Group
3 min readJul 25, 2016
A few of Minneapolis Twelve team (we were missing a few folks) participated in a recent 5k together

As an athlete from as far back as I can remember, all the way through college, I never really had to “make time for healthy and happy”, because athletics allowed me to take care of myself both physically and mentally without even having to think about it. It wasn’t really until I became a working mother that I actually had to think about dedicating time to taking care of my health. One of Twelve’s Core Values is Well Being, which includes making time for healthy and happy. How cool is that? A company that values well being so much, that it is one of their 4 core values. You might think, well that is great that they wrote the core value down on a piece of paper, but wonder do they actually live this value? I am here to tell you the answer is yes. Let me tell you a little bit about how Wellness is a priority at Twelve….

Wellness Wednedsay

Each week there is a cardio class at CorePower Yoga across the street from our downtown office, and various people from the team attend the class each week. It is a 45-minute class that consists of 12 (yes that is right 12, which is why it makes total sense for us to attend :)) different exercises. We are able to go to the class, get some exercise, clear our minds and come back to work feeling ready to rumble! I love it.

Wellness Challenge

We launched an 8-week wellness challenge for all of our employees, and it was a hit! Our goal was to sprinkle a little wellness into everyone’s week without making it overwhelming or impossible to succeed. We had fun with it, and made some quick videos to show people how to do various exercises like tricep kickbacks, jumping jacks, and side planks, and we even showed people how to drink water! I get it, it may be a little overboard, but we had fun! We built an app in Anaplan for people to track their progress, which allowed us to pull weekly reports and provide a status to the team. It was fun and very successful.


Since wellness is such a priority for us at Twelve, we have even held recruitment events that are centered around it. We figured out that if we hire people who are dedicated to making wellness a priority in their lives, that they likely fit right in at Twelve. We partnered with a fantastic fitness studio in Minneapolis, Alchemy, where more than 20 people gathered for an “A12” group fitness class, followed by a healthy happy hour. It was amazing to see everyone exercising and networking together…and….we have hired a couple of exceptional consultants who we met there!


We have done a few 5K’s as a team too, which have been a ton of fun! You don’t have to be a runner to participate; some people walk, some people run slow, and some people are speedy. Just last week we participated in the Torchlight 5K downtown Minneapolis with some of our friends at Anaplan and had a fantastic time! We had over 20 people on our team, and although it was VERY hot, everyone finished the “race” with a smile on their face.

In addition to physical wellness activities, there are a variety of other wellness benefits at Twelve. From fruit and healthy snacks in the office, to unlimited PTO and volunteer activities sprinkled in throughout the year mental and physical wellness is definitely a priority. You know that saying “aint nobody happy unless momma’s happy”? I think it rings true for my family — and guess what, my family is pretty darn happy, and I think that the work/life balance I have as a Twelve employee has a lot to do with it.

Unlocking potential with smarter data

This is the final post in our culture series led by Chief Culture Officer, Megan Henderson — be well!

Twelve Consulting GroupUnlocking potential with smarter data



Twelve Consulting Group

Twelve CG is one of Anaplan’s most experienced partners and is on a mission to empower leaders to think strategically and act quickly.