Poop Coffee Beans in Peru: The World’s Most Expensive Coffee

Twigs Coffee UK
3 min readDec 22, 2023


Poop Coffee Beans Peru

In the world of coffee, there are few beverages as exotic and expensive as Kopi Luwak. Also known as civet coffee (or the poop coffee beans of Peru), this unique coffee is made from coffee beans that have been eaten, digested, and then excreted by civets, small mammals native to Southeast Asia. The fermentation process that the beans undergo in the civet’s digestive system is said to give Kopi Luwak its distinctive flavor, which is described as smooth, chocolatey, and nutty.

Da Silva — Peru Coffee Beans >>

How Kopi Luwak Is Made

The process of making the poop coffee beans, Kopi Luwak, is rather intriguing. Civets are foragers, and they love to eat ripe coffee cherries. When they eat the cherries, they discard the flesh and swallow the beans whole. The beans then pass through the civet’s digestive system, where they are exposed to enzymes that break down the beans’ proteins and fats. This fermentation process is said to remove some of the bitterness and acidity from the beans, resulting in a smoother, more palatable flavor.

After the beans have been digested, the civet defecates them. The beans are then collected from the civet’s droppings and washed thoroughly. They are then dried in the sun or in a kiln, and then roasted. The resulting beans are roasted to different levels to achieve different flavor profiles.

The Cost of Kopi Luwak

Kopi luwak is one of the most expensive coffees in the world, with prices ranging from $100 to $500 per pound. This high price is due to the labor-intensive process of collecting and processing the beans. Civets are only found in a few specific regions, and their droppings are not always easy to find. Additionally, the beans must be carefully processed to remove any impurities or bacteria.

Is Kopi Luwak Worth the Price?

Whether or not Kopi Luwak is worth the price is a matter of personal opinion. Some people believe that the unique flavor of the coffee is worth the cost, while others think that it is too expensive for what it is. There are also ethical concerns about the production of Kopi Luwak, as some argue that it is inhumane to force civets to consume coffee beans.

Kopi Luwak in Peru

Kopi Luwak is not native to Peru, but it has become increasingly popular in recent years. There are now a number of farms in Peru that raise civets and produce Kopi Luwak. However, the quality of kopi luwak from Peru is not always as high as the quality of Kopi Luwak from Indonesia or Vietnam. This is because the civet populations in Peru are smaller, and the beans are not always as carefully processed.

If you’d like to try Peru coffee beans without trying Kopi Luwak, check out our Da Silva — Peru Coffee Beans >>

The Future of Kopi Luwak

The future of Kopi Luwak is uncertain. The rising popularity of the coffee has led to concerns about the sustainability of civet populations. Additionally, the high price of Kopi Luwak has made it difficult for many people to afford. As a result, there is a growing movement to find more sustainable and ethical ways to produce Kopi Luwak-like coffees.


Kopi Luwak is a unique and controversial coffee that has been gaining popularity in recent years. The high price of the coffee and the ethical concerns surrounding its production have led to some people questioning whether or not it is worth the cost. However, the unique flavor of Kopi Luwak is undeniable, and there are a growing number of people who are willing to pay top dollar for the experience. Only time will tell whether Kopi LuwakKopi Luwak will continue to be a niche market or become a mainstream coffee alternative.



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