Gripping Benefits of Meditating with Gemstones and Crystals

Twilight Raven
3 min readJan 3, 2018


Meditation is the key to improving the mental, emotional, and physical well-being altogether. And, when combined with the right gemstones, crystal and other astrology products, it can lead to an overall spiritual elevation.

From body relaxation, stress release to heart rate and blood pressure moderation, its benefits just don’t end. Benefits to the mental and spiritual well-being include a quiet mind, sense of calmness and serenity, greater sense of consciousness and awareness, and a contented soul. The negative emotions are replaced with feelings of acceptance, love and peace, which leave the heart unburdened. And, the mind dwells into solutions and insights that make life better.

One can gain control over his feelings and thoughts and regulate how they are expressed. It fosters sanity and emotional stability.

There are various other reasons to meditate using crystals and gems. Besides helping to obtain a deep meditative state, crystals and other mystic objects purify and cleanse emotions and thoughts, which helps the mind in exploring one’s deepest being.

Benefits of Using Different Stones:

Blue Stones

Blue stones are known to bring calmness and serenity to one’s mind. The stones such as blue calcite, aquamarine, and turquoise help soothe the body and clear the mind.

Purple & Clear Stones

Purple and clear stones are known to help attain higher states of awareness and consciousness. The stones such as clear quartz, charoite, and amethyst can boost the benefits of meditating by strengthening one’s ability to maintain concentration, focus and introspect.

Brownish-Red Stones

The stones brownish-red in color, like Carnelian, help nullify distracting thoughts in meditation; strengthening the ability to focus and maintain concentration. The intentions and goals relevant to one’s growth become clearer and seem achievable.

Crystal Cluster

Crystal clusters of all colors and forms help coordinate meditation between two people. While meditating, the use of crystal clusters can enable better harmony and increase the exchange of positive energies.


Labradorite, a feldspar mineral, raises consciousness, deepens meditation, and increases visualization.


Moonstone enables the power to absorb wisdom and illumination. It is a promoter of mental peace and calmness, and fosters the capability to reach greater realms of consciousness. It induces trances, helps receive signals from the unconscious mind and inculcates self-reflection.


One stone that can bring endless benefits to a meditating mind is — Quartz. From bringing mental clarity to facilitating wisdom, and fostering communication between the subconscious and fully conscious mind, the right Quartz stone can help attain the peak of meditation. It helps in instilling clarity of thoughts and activating all levels of consciousness, leaving one fully awake from within.

Blue Sapphire

Blue Sapphire can quiet and still a racing mind, helping one to focus more. It takes the distractions away, deepens the thought process and soothes a beginner’s mind.

There are various other crystals, stones, crystal healing pendants and other mystical objects that add to the benefits of meditation. Knowing the right stone for meditation and using it persistently can bring out the best results and boost the benefits tenfold.



Twilight Raven

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