Your days are numbered on earth

Miriam Ade
2 min readAug 21, 2019


Three days ago, I was cycling home from a friend whom I came visiting in Groningen. Seriously, it was a nice visitation, because she will be moving to London in two days. During my cycling home, I was having thoughts in my mind about the unkown time I have on this earth. It sounds a bit weird and maybe creepy, but our time on this earth is really limited.

Even yesterday I asked myself a question.

“ What would I have done if I still had 5 days to live?”

And I came up with some answeres:

The first thing that I would have asked myself is: “ Did I live a life that is full grace towards others? A life which made a change in many others life around me? If the answer is: “ NO”, then I would hurry up and do these following things:

  1. I would want everybody to know that there is a gift from God. That gift is heaven. A wonderful place where we would really know what peace, joy, love, laughter and wholeness is… That gift can only be obtained by confessing your sins and acknowledging that Jesus is Lord.
  2. I wouldn’t be afraid about anything anymore! Oh my gosh! Instead, I would want to go to as many people as possible and tell them that everything will be okay and see a smile on peoples faces.
  3. The money I have, I would give it to those who are in need.
  4. I would want to write a quick small book about what I have learned in life so far and definitely would write about my weird mistakes and wrong conceptions about life and what I have learned from them!
  5. I would say: THANK YOU GOD, for the time you have given me to spend on this earth and that I can finally rest in your precense.

Maybe, these things that I wrote down sound odd, but life is truly short and we all don’t know when we are leaving this earth. We don’t have any control over what happens to us in even the next hour. The only thing we have control over is how we are in the moment we live. Do we make positive changes in peoples life? Are we thankful to those around us, and especially our creator?

All these questions are question we won’t be able to answer ourselves anymore when we have left this earth. That’s why the Bible says, when there is life, there is hope. When we have it, we should use it.



Miriam Ade

Hi! I am Miriam and 22 years old. I live in the Netherlands and love writing. I write about insights I gained through God’s Word and life to inspire others!