Being Prepared Always Makes Things Easier

David Wooding
4 min readMay 14, 2018


Most of us start looking forward to a great event long before the time, often with great anticipation. If it is, for example, a concert, then it would be a very good idea to get your music festival tickets long before the time.

The most obvious reason is the fact that if you wait too long you may be disappointed because all the tickets have been sold. A lot of planning goes into these events and the organisers have to think about everything to ensure success. Of course ticket sales are very important.

That is why that is often one of the first issues that will receive attention from the organisers, and a dedicated person or service will be responsible for this important function. Different events will have their own arrangements in place to ensure this service runs smoothly. Music festival tickets, like all other tickets, will be made available well in advance to give the company the best chance at selling them, and also to give the visitors to the festival enough time to get the tickets they want.

Not all festivals do things the same way or market their festival in the same manner as another company. The same is true for ticket sales. Some companies may prefer to have a booth near the venues where they will sell tickets ahead of time to make sure they attract the right visitors.

For many this is a proven method which has been employed for selling music festival tickets for many years. It is, however, for many visitors an inconvenient way of getting their tickets.

Today most successful companies enjoy an internet presence and they will advertise their products and services — also tickets — online. It makes it much easier for their clients who can, from the comfort of their home, peruse the site and buy the tickets they want. The client makes a choice and arrange for payment and then the company’s website will lead him/her through the process and advise them how they get the tickets.

Some may allow you to print out the music festival tickets you have ordered and paid for, whereas others may decide to accept the email they send you as proof when you arrive at the event. Others still, may decide to post your tickets to you. It will depend on the company and individual organisations.

Some may even not sell all their tickets on their website but they may decide for marketing purposes to keep back a certain percentage and sell them at the venues just before the show starts. Once again: individual preference.

It is always good for the clients to understand the way the organisers operate with regard to the music festival tickets and to check back regularly on the website how many tickets are still available if at first they can’t make up their minds quickly enough.

These festivals often offer more than just the concert tickets on their website –or at the sales booth — and therefore visitors should always make sure they know beforehand what tickets are sold before the event starts. Some sell meal and drinks tickets too, and those that offer accommodation for the duration of the event will sell these tickets upfront as well.

Selling tickets is an important function of management, and the success in terms of the sales of music festival tickets will often dictate the success of the entire event. If sales are slow, the organisation may decide to reduce the last tickets to ensure they sell them all.

It is also important for visitors to these events to remember that not all festivals offer the same deals. Some festivals will sell you tickets that gain you entry into all events; others want you to buy separate tickets for all the different shows of the festival. Be sure you understand all the different festivals and their requirements in terms of ticket sales before you simply arrive at the festival.

About Us

Twinwood Events are based in Clapham Bedford from where we organise various events every year, the most important one being the well-known Twinwood Festival which is steeped in history going back to the days of the famous Glenn Miller and his Orchestra who performed all over the world. The Festival is normally held over a bank holiday weekend and features a line-up that includes various well-known performers from different genres such as Swing, Rock-and-Roll, Northern Soul and other Vintage Music and Dance performers. Different venues include the Twinwood Arena, the Dance Marquee, the Colonial Club and the Control Tower Stage. Accommodation can be booked and food and drinks bought from different eateries to sit down or eat-as-you-go options. Tickets are bought online or over the phone and visitors are advised to book well in advance. For more about us please visit



David Wooding

Twinwood Events Ltd. is a unique music festival company, as we own our festival site and adjoining panoramic camping grounds.