Don’t Miss any Vintage UK Events Coming Up

David Wooding
3 min readJul 3, 2018


There are some spectacular vintage events in the UK coming up, and you don’t want to miss out on them! They offer plenty of fun including music, dancing, meeting new people, and creating memories with those you go with. They are offered in a variety of locations so it won’t be hard to find those close to you. Sometimes, there are events not far to travel as well.

These vintage events in the UK can break up your day to day routine. Getting them on the calendar is important so you don’t book something else that day. Some of them are one day events and others are festivals that extend over the course of several days. Ticket prices will vary depending on the event, but most of them are very affordable.

It may surprise you how affordable tickets tend to be for such events. You don’t have to break the bank to get a pair of tickets. In fact, many of the events are family friendly. You can take the entire family and the kids are going to see just how cool their parents really are!

Who is Playing?

The lineup for a musical event is often one of the main deciding factors for many people. They would love to see certain bands perform life. There is nothing like the music, the people, and the energy of the crowd from start to finish at such an event. You won’t go home feeling disappointed in the least. In fact, you will be pumped up and excited about all that took place.

Don’t worry if you have to travel a bit to get to a certain show. Many of the vintage events in the UK allow you to camp out, especially those that are going to last more than one day. It is fun to bring along your camper or your tent and stay on site for the event. This is also cheaper than a hotel and you don’t have to worry about getting back and forth.


Some venues for vintage events in the UK are very large and others are small and intimate. Some of them are indoors and others are outdoors. Many people who go to such events have venues they like over others. The sound system can be different and they may like the feel of an outdoor event more than being inside. Some people like the large crowds and others don’t.

No matter where the venue is, you can expect it to offer plenty to everyone who attends. The vintage events in the UK are carefully put together and this includes where they will be held. They want everyone to have a chance to buy a ticket and to be there. The demand for certain bands or types of events can also influence how large the venue will be for it.

Get Information

Signing up for newsletters and emails from certain promoters of vintage events in the UK is a very good idea. This allows you to get information on what is coming up as soon as it is announced. It also helps you to get tickets so they aren’t sold out for what you would like to attend.

This all adds up to plenty of fun and a great way to help you stay young. Getting out there and dancing, listening to the music, and having fun are what life is all about. Take a break from the daily grind and your responsibilities. Show your wild side and give yourself a chance to unwind for a bit. Such events are ideal for doing just that!

Music, dancing, meeting new people, and having fun is what we are all about! We continue to offer better and better festivals for an affordable price. We work all year long for a terrific line up that is going to be unforgettable. We offer a variety packages for camping, for tickets only, and for special perks. At, you can look at all the options and pick the one that is right for you. This is also the best place to reach out to us for any questions or one on one help you may need. We are excited for you to be part of the experience!



David Wooding

Twinwood Events Ltd. is a unique music festival company, as we own our festival site and adjoining panoramic camping grounds.