
Twishi Sagwal
3 min readSep 25, 2018


Mobile Application to motivate interaction among students.

HiMate! is an android application designed for M.Tech students of IIIT Delhi to interact instantly by finding students in your immediate vicinity and let you share the courses you have done and your interests for further collaborations.



In our first semester of M.Tech in IIIT Delhi me and my friends realized that we are many times are not able to get members for our project teams outside of our very close circle inside the batch only. So we discussed this issue with other students of the batch too and they were also facing the same problem which made us more curious so we did conversation with many other students around the campus and soon we came to know that its not the same problem with B.Tech students as they have a mentor and mentee program and also B.Tech students get Delhi quota so many students come from the same schools too. So after this small research me and my other two friends brainstorm over some ideas to let M.Tech students interact more and from there the idea of HiMate! evolved.


The goal of this project was to improve interaction among PG students in college and provide a platform for students where they could easily find peeps with same interests and courses so that some good collaborations could happen.


Now with these goals in our mind we did some user research in which we talked with 10 students around the campus to find out what might be some desired features for the platform.


After the user research our team sat down did an “Space Saturate and Group” activity and created an affinity diagram which helped us to group together the needs of target group from the platform.

Affinity Diagram


We discussed the user flow of the application made paper prototypes to get fast feedback from the users.



Paper Prototype


After getting feedback from the users from low fidelity prototype we got some new insights and created a high fidelity prototype.

High Fidelity Prototype

After getting the feedback from our high-fidelity prototype we started the development and beta launched the application within some students and we got some feedback from them and from some people who took a demo of our application in our BBI showcase. One of the feedback was that they would like a chat option too in future.



Twishi Sagwal

Akanksha Pandey

Kanupriya Dang

Advisor : Dr. Ponnurangam Kumaraguru

