12 Most Profitable Crops For Small Farms

Think With Niche English
3 min readDec 13, 2022


Farming can result in significant financial gains if you know which crops to produce and concentrate on them. No matter how little or large your farm is, whether you have a greenhouse or a farm with several acres of agricultural land, you can still make a living from farming.

What is a Cash Crop?

A crop that can be raised for profit is known as a cash crop. The farm then sells these cash crops, also known as profit crops, to third parties, such as consumers (B2C) or other businesses who sell or prepare food in their shop (B2B).

Do you know which plants are the most lucrative to sell and grow? & What Characterizes A Profitable Crop?

By conducting research, making sure that your crops are, and other factors, you can boost your profitability.

It can grow rapidly (from seed to harvest).

has a high need

large yields

It can be applied in various contexts (such that, if an industry is having trouble, you don’t lose track of one buyer).

It may be grown year-round.

seed prices

Costs of upkeep

Since crop production takes up little room, you may fit more.

Whether you sell directly to people (retail price) or to businesses will determine your earnings (wholesale pricing).

Keep in mind that projected revenues do not account for overhead or operating expenses.

12 Most Profitable Crops For Small Farms:

The most lucrative crops are listed below in a list with categories. The crop group that each category represents is represented by the respective crop. Each crop is shown below along with an estimated revenue projection. The estimated revenue is determined using the crop yield for each crop.

1. Lavender

One of the most profitable income crops is lavender. Due to its numerous applications and sources of income, lavender is a successful cash crop. Numerous more uses include cooking, aromatherapy, and floral arrangements.

From seed to harvest, lavender takes about three years to fully mature.

Lavender Revenue:

Depending on the customer, lavender bunches can be sold for $6 to $13. A single acre can produce over 12,000 lavender bunches, which can range in price from $6 to $13 depending on the consumer.

2. Saffron

With a price of more than $500 per ounce, saffron is the most costly culinary herb by weight. As a flavouring and colouring agent, it is largely used in cooking. Eight weeks pass from planting to harvesting.

Saffron Revenue

The price of saffron ranges from $10 to $20 per gramme or $5,000 to $10,000 per kilogramme. Three (3) pounds of saffron valued between $15,000 and $30,000 can be produced from a field-grown acre.

3. Gourmet Garlic

Gourmet garlic costs $16 a kilogramme, which is more expensive than regular garlic. In contrast, the price per kilogramme at your neighbourhood grocery is $3.48. Garlic can be harvested when three months have passed.

Gourmet Garlic Revenues:

Gourmet garlic costs $16 a pound and is available for purchase. Between 10,000 and 12,000 pounds of garlic are typically produced per acre. This increases its value to somewhere between $160,000 and $229,000

4. Chives

You can plant chives all year long. Through the winter, they maintain their green colour, and in the spring, they regrowth. Due to their ease of cultivation, low maintenance needs, and extreme hardiness, they are frequently referred to as “gateway plants.” A extremely profitable crop is chives. They will continue to expand annually.

30 days after transplanting or 60 days after sowing, chives can be picked.

Chives Revenue

Chive costs in the country range from $8 to $12 per pound. An acre of chive plants yields roughly 18,000 pounds and costs between $144,000 and $1216,000 to grow.

Important Tags:

12 most profitable crops for small farms, most profitable crops, income from farming

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