Air India: A Flight back under the Wings of TATA

Think with Niche
5 min readJul 13, 2022


Air India is what without the “Maharaja”? He is even back! Complete in his pomp with his red Turban, and characteristic outsized mustache! Ladies, fasten your seatbelts! We’re ready to go! We are ready to take off!

Contribution to JRD TATA

Air India was founded in 1932 by JRD Tata, a visionary and legendary businessman. The Tata Sons were instrumental in creating a solid foundation for India’s economy. It is a major contributor to India’s rapid development. JRD Tata (Jehangir Ratanji Dadabhoy Tata), was an iconic industrialist. He built upon the hard work of Jamsetji TATA and transformed the company into a major. His contributions were responsible for India’s growth in Agriculture, Industry, Aviation, and Society. His vision and smart planning allowed India to be a global power.

The Magical Beginning

JRD Tata was a licensed pilot. His fascination with flying led him to envision a Indian commercial airline. He drafted a plan, and it became a reality very quickly. India was granted its first commercial airline.

Airmail Carrier Tata was awarded a contract in April 1932 to transport airmails for Imperial Airways , a British Commercial Airline. It flew the mail from Karachi to Bombay (Mumbai).

Tata Airlines It was originally called Tata Air Services in 1938. Later, Tata Airlines was created.

The First Passenger Flight A six-seater plane took off from Bombay to Trivandrum. It was a monoplane that Miles Aircraft Ltd built.

TATA Airlines was also a supporter of the Royal Air Force during Second World War in troop movements as well as shipping supplies.

High Profits!

TATA Airlines began to rise in the sky of profit. India’s wealthy and famous loved the idea of commercial flights. Chartered flights were used to fly to foreign countries. The airlines were thrilled to see the increase in profits. In just five years, they had accumulated Rs. 6,00,000. This beloved venture of JRD Tata was a success.

Maharaja: The Iconic Symbol

Namaste, did you meet him? The charming gentleman in red, with a striped turban and a mustache that was out of proportion. It’s back as the iconic symbol for Air India! Since its inception, it has been the symbol of Air India. It was created by Bobby Kooka who is also the original logo. Mail It was a popular logo that would soon become the brand’s identity.

The Maharaja is a symbol of graciousness and high living. This figure, originally created for inflight memo pads, became the Air India mascot to promote messages. The world was captivated by its playful personality. He can play the cheerful, unruly Maharaja of Air India or a sumo wrestler from Tokyo. A lover boy in Paris is another possibility. Or a Red Indian. He can wear any costume and still manage to play the part with finesse. He is loved by everyone for his humor, puns and expressions. He is a friend to all Indian Travelers and has won many awards for his unique style and universal appeal. Air India is the name of his character wherever you see him.

From Tata Airlines, to Air India!

After World War II was finished, the British Administration restored commercial services to India. Tata Airlines was made a public limited company, and the name changed to “Air-India.” After India’s independence in 1947, 49% of Air India shares were acquired by the Government of India.

First International Flight: A flight called Malabar Princess took off from Bombay on 8 June 1948. It was registered as the First-ever International Air-India Flight.

Nationalization of Air India

Air India was the first airline to fly internationally with competence. Air India was steadily increasing in efficiency and trust around the globe. Air India was facing the threat of nationalization even as India celebrated its independence. The fear quickly became a reality, as the Air Corporations Act was passed by the Government of India in 1953. This allowed for the nationalization of Air India. Air India was thus created. JRD Tata was still the Chairperson for Air India. Air India expanded its wings. Air India can now fly to Kenya, Singapore and Hong Kong as well as Paris and Paris.

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Air India Enters Tumultuous Weather!

Air India also has to feel some shaking. A tragic air crash resulted in 213 deaths and JRD Tata was forced to resign his position as Chairman. He rejoined again two years later but only as a member. The damage was already done! His absence caused huge losses for the business. In 1986, Ratan TATA took over as Air India’s chairperson. However, the political turmoil prevented him from developing civil aviation. Their profits declined over the 1990s and they began to accumulate debts. The debts had risen to 63,000 crores by 2012. This was a very heartbreaking downturn for Air India!

Privatization: A Ray of Hope

Air India’s steady decline made the Indian Government very concerned about the increasing debts. The Indian Government decided privatization was the best way to eliminate the increasing debt. It decided to buy 100% of Air India after receiving many bids for privatization.

Air India is Back Under the Wings of Tata

Air India was greeted by a lovely moment of love as Ratan TATA returned the loved company of JRD Tata to the loving arms Tata Sons. The deal cost Ratan TATA a staggering 18,000 Crores!

Ready to Take-off in New Skies of Dreams

Tata Sons has devised a 100-day plan for Air India’s rebirth. They plan to overhaul it in all departments and improve your flying experience.

Debts cleared: While the Government has paid some of the debt, the Tata Sons took the State Bank of India as a loan to pay the rest.

The 100-day plan will focus on efficiency and streamlining flight operations. The goal would be to improve punctuality and customer satisfaction.

Dress Code The Cabin Crew would wear a traditional Indian Saree. According to an Air India official, the Cabin crew will wear mustard yellow saris with some orange print. Because the Saree is an integral part of Indian culture and tradition, we have kept it. Officials state that 50% of Crew members will also wear Indowestern Trousers and a small Kurti or scarf. Many passengers have complained of rude staff members. The new plan places the priority on courteous behavior by crew members and ground staff. The staff’s physical fitness is another problem. This would be under control in the new era. It is now ready to take the path of excellence, efficiency, and reach the heights of success

N Chandrasekaran, who was the chairman of Tata Sons and is now the Air India Chief, has been mentioned. After Ilker Ayci turned down the offer, this was done. Air India is also ready to resume international flights.

This is Tata Group’s success!

Related: 5 Business Lesons from Ratan Tata That You Can Apply To Your Own Company


After a 69-year absence from Tata Sons, Air India is now back in the Tata Group! It now has a familiar runway! We are certain it will prosper in this new era. We hope the Maharaja will soon return home and find his lost glory! We wish them a wonderful journey together and a lasting bond!


tata group success, commercial airline of india, the maharaja returns home

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