Villain Who Made Thor Unworthy- Gorr (The God Butcher)

Think with Niche
4 min readJul 8, 2022


The audience went wild when it was announced that Christian Bale would play Gorr in “Thor: Love and Thunder.” Every comic book enthusiast is completely aware of this character, but those who just follow the Marvel Cinematic Universe have many queries, such as: Who is Gorr? Why is he referred to as “the God Butcher”? What is his history? What are his abilities? Etc. These thoughts crossed my mind as well. I’m not a big comic book fan. I completed my study and found this villain’s demeanour to be fascinating. Despite being Evil, he wasn’t always a bad guy. In truth, he was once among the most devoted to God in his early years, but with time, he changed into a ruthless, horrible god butcher. Let’s delve further into this guy, his background, and the motivations for his desire to destroy every God in existence.

Storyline of Gorr the God Butcher

Gorr was born on “A planet with no name” in his early years. On this world, there were earthquakes, malnutrition, and thirst, and death was a common occurrence. A small tribe of nomadic people are the only life that can be found on this planet, and they are constantly moving from one location to another in quest of sustenance. Only a few wild animals remain on this world except them. This tribe has faith in the gods, and despite their grave circumstances, they have not lost that faith. Gorr belongs to this Tribe as well. Gorr’s life was never simple. In front of him, wild animals slaughtered his mother; his wife perished in an earthquake; and his kids starved to death. He was expelled from the tribe after standing up against the community’s faith when he lost everything. He was abandoned in the desert to wander.

Genesis of Gorr Deity Butcher

Gorr lay dying on his bed. He had given up on life and was prepared to perish from hunger and thirst. To his surprise, when he suddenly noticed a flash in the sky, he discovered that two gods were engaged in war. The first of them wore gold armour, while the second wore black armour. They both fell in front of Gorr and sustained serious wounds from the black armour God Null, also known as “The God of Symbiotes.” The other God begged Gorr for assistance, but Gorr snapped at him, asking, “Where were you when I needed help.” He slew his first God with the weapon of Null, which then bestowed upon him incredible powers. He vowed to slay any god who didn’t hear his pleas. The weak and despairing Gorr became known as Gorr The God Butcher when he butchered hundreds of gods.

Thor vs. Gorr

In the ninth century, Gorr came to Earth and began murdering gods. He then assaulted Thor, but just as he was about to deliver his fatal blow, Thor summoned a bolt of lightning that rendered both of them unconscious. Following the recuperation, Gorr lost his right arm during a 17-day struggle with Thor that took place in a cave. After discovering the world deities dead, Thor began to journey once more in pursuit of Gorr. While this was going on, Gorr travelled to the beginning of the world and killed one of the first gods. He then continued on to Earth-14412 and enslaved all gods with the exception of “All-Father Thor.” Gorr spent the following 900 years enslaved gods and creating a God Bomb that will ultimately destroy every god in every reality. The youthful Thor from the past was likewise successfully captured by Gorr and made his slave. Young Thor attempted to deactivate the God Bomb but was stopped, thrown from the world, and later reunited with King Thor and Thor. Together, they battled Gorr and came close to killing him, but they were ultimately defeated because Gorr had absorbed the strength of all the Gods he had previously killed.

The clone of Gorr’s son, “Agar,” made the decision to assist Thor, allowing him to witness the Godbombs detonate while Gorr was being killed by his former self.

Gorr The God Butcher’s Strength and Skills

Gorr is just another helpless creature without his weapon. He gains incredible abilities from his weapon, like flight, super strength, super speed, and unusual stamina. In addition to that, he also possesses the strength of every God he has ever killed.

His skills consist of:

Combat prowess: His nearly 3000 years of combat expertise, coupled with his weapon, enable him to take on any God.

Gorr is frequently referred to as a master torturer because of his ability to put anyone through torture until they give him what he wants.

Gorr Weapons of the God’s Butcher

Without his “All Black Necrosword,” Gorr is nothing, as was previously said. He was transformed into a God Butcher by this weapon.

Gorr was correct.

The incident is what rendered Thor unworthy. When Nick Furry, who at the time had the “Eye of the Watcher” and knew all the mysteries of the planet, whispered in the ear of Thor, “Gorr was right,” Thor recognised that everything Gorr had been saying throughout their battle had been somewhat true. This discovery left Thor feeling worthless. He lost control of his hammer and was never again able to pick it up. It might imply that Gorr was also successful.


thor love and thunder, gorr the god butcher storyline, origin of gorr the god butcher

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