Messari Community Update #1

3 min readAug 9, 2018


It’s hard to believe Messari launched its analyst community almost five months ago.

What started as an off-the-cuff call to action in mid-January — my invitation for analysts to rally around a public crypto data commons — has morphed into a full-fledged 125-member analyst community that has produced 50+ token profiles in the past six months, and 200 database entries in our open-source “Agora” library.

And we’re just getting started.

We couldn’t be happier with the quality and consistency of this incredible group of collaborators. Their insights and feedback have been invaluable — aside from the published research, we’ve collaborated with our contributors to identify better token disclosures policies, source objective information about top projects, and create new valuation frameworks for understanding what drives prices in these frontier markets.

Messari’s community analysts are professionals who are passionate about understanding new technical breakthroughs, valuation trends, and token economic models. They recognize that sharing their findings in a group setting helps them learn faster, and their submissions to our data library help the industry grow more transparent day by day.

It’s high time for us to share what these fine folks have been working on!

We’re excited to post our first Messari community update today.

From now on, we’ll use these updates to highlight new developments at Messari and recognize the contributions of the analysts who are helping us build a more reliable source of crypto information. We will be publishing updates every Friday, so be sure to check back often.

Here’s what we’ve been up to:

  1. Some recent pieces from our community members include a framework for valuing productive cryptoassets from Phil Bonello, a look at TCRs from Robert Clark, and an article on investing in HFM from Ben Floyd (page 19). In addition, our larger group of contributors have been creating high-quality profiles on token projects that can be found in our library.
  2. We’ve been working feverishly to upgrade the Agora UX so that it can ultimately serve as a “Crunchbase for crypto.” The library has basic information on token projects and the people and organizations issuing them. By the end of Q3, we plan to cover more than 100 of the top projects and double the size of our analyst community.
  3. Starting in September, we will also be hosting a weekly video call to discuss important topics in the industry — deep dives on sectors, 101 sessions on new technologies, policy updates, financial models, etc. Any topic that advances our mission to make crypto more transparent and understandable. Our conversations will be moving to an expanded Discord channel, and we will be working to build additional communications tools within Agora.
  4. If you are interested in helping us crowdsource token project details, or want to join our community to share your expertise, we would love to have you on board! Take a second to fill out an application with your details and we will get back to you soon.

We’ve steadily been scaling our core team, which means we finally have the resources to promote the outstanding contributions of our analysts. Whether it’s through social media / blog promotion, professional introductions, or daily engagement in Discord, it’s important for us to invest heavily in fostering a mission-driven community.

That’s what good crypto projects are all about.

Until next week…

-Ryan, Eric, and Katherine




Messari Founder. Crypto since it was “bitcoin 2.0” Formerly ConsenSys, DCG, and CoinDesk. Sign up for my Unqualified Opinions: