The Magic 8 Ball: What I learned from it

Two Guys Who Blog
4 min readJan 25, 2019


I was cleaning out my basement recently and came across a piece of fortune telling wizardry from my childhood that would make Harry Potter jealous. Something that pre-dated computers, Alexa, cell phones or the internet. This was all we had “back in the day” to predict the future and answer a question for us, besides encyclopedias but who had time for that! I’m talking about The Magic 8 Ball.

This device was magic indeed! Housed inside its’ plastic outer shell were 20 possible answers printed on a multi-sided cube (it’s called an Icosahedron — who knew that had a name) contained in mystical blue water. It wasn’t actually water in there, it was alcohol died blue. I can only assume my 40-year-old Magic 8 Ball would be full of mold by now if indeed it was filled with water.

The possible answers were as follows:

  • It is certain
  • Without a doubt
  • It is decidedly so
  • Yes definitely
  • You may rely on it
  • As I see it yes
  • Most likely
  • Outlook good
  • Yes
  • Signs point to yes
  • Reply hazy, try again
  • Ask again later
  • Better not tell you now
  • Cannot predict now
  • Concentrate and ask again
  • Don’t count on it
  • My reply is no
  • My sources say no
  • Outlook not so good
  • Very doubtful

The Mattel corporation was smart when they developed this masterpiece from the 1950s. The Magic 8 Ball had an answer for everything as 10 questions were affirmative, 5 were non-committal (like most of the girls I wanted to date in Junior High) and 5 were negative (like everyone I asked out in High School).

How did you use it?

In order to use the ball, you were supposed to hold it with the window facing down (as too not spoil the magic). You then asked the Magic 8 Ball a yes or no question. Once you asked a question you turned the ball over to reveal the answer. Sometimes it took a while for the plastic cube to float to the top and if you shook it too hard it got filled with bubbles, but you get the idea. The anticipation of waiting to see the answer was almost too much to take for a young child like myself.

Oh, the stupid questions we’d ask our Magic 8 Ball. Will he/she say yes if I ask them out? Will I get a monkey for my birthday? (I believe that may have been one of my actual questions).

What did the Magic 8 Ball Teach Us?

The Magic 8 Ball in all its’ craziness taught us a very important lesson in life. It taught us early on about the importance of asking questions and follow up questions. One question for the Magic 8 Ball always developed into a series of follow up questions, just like in life. As a result, these follow up questions are what lead us to learn more about the people we were with and helped us to develop better communication skills.

It taught us 3 important rules about asking questions that are still relevant today as adults.

Plan what you’re going to ask and listen

Unlike the Magic 8 Ball, real life doesn’t allow you to shake the person you’re speaking with to get a better answer. At least I don’t recommend doing that. Plan what you’re going to ask and listen to the response so you can formulate a follow-up question.

Only ask what you need to know

People don’t have a lot of time these days. Only ask questions that are essential to the conversation. Don’t speak for the sake of speaking.

Focus your questioning

When asking questions make sure you focus on one single objective at a time. Much like when we used the Magic 8 Ball, we were looking for one answer, not multiple answers. Don’t be all over the place. Ask your question, wait for the answer and then ask another question.

If we’d only known when we were kids that the Magic 8 Ball was helping to develop our questioning and communication skills! If you’re still interested in using a Magic 8 Ball but can’t find yours, there is an online version or you can purchase one at Amazon.

I hope you enjoyed this throwback in time. Please comment below and share with a friend.

Thanks for stopping by


Originally published at on January 25, 2019.



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