Understanding Horse Harness: A Guide to Traditional Equine Equipment | Two Horse tack

Two Horse Tack
2 min readJul 3, 2023



Horses have played a crucial role in transportation, agriculture, and various other industries for centuries. To harness the power and energy of these magnificent creatures effectively, humans developed a specialized equipment known as horse harness. In this article, we will delve into the world of horse harness, exploring its purpose, components, and types, shedding light on this essential tool for horse-drawn vehicles and work.

The Purpose of Horse Harness:

  1. Horse harness serves two primary purposes:
    a) Control and Communication: Harnessing a horse allows the driver to communicate instructions and commands to the animal, guiding its movement and direction.
    b) Distributing Weight and Pulling Force: Harnessing enables horses to pull vehicles or loads efficiently by distributing the weight and transferring the pulling force to the vehicle.

2. Components of Horse Harness:

The horse harness comprises several essential components, including:
a) Collar or Breastplate: Placed around the horse’s neck, it helps distribute the pulling force and supports the weight of the vehicle.
b) Hames: Attached to the collar, the hames are curved metal pieces that allow for connection to the traces or shafts.
c) Traces: These straps extend from the hames to the vehicle or load, transmitting the pulling force generated by the horse.
d) Backband: Placed around the horse’s body behind the withers, it provides stability and support to the harness.
e) Breeching: Positioned around the horse’s hindquarters, the breeching helps control and stabilize the vehicle when moving downhill or stopping.
f) Lines: Also known as reins, the lines connect the driver’s hands to the bit in the horse’s mouth, enabling control and steering.

3. Types of Horse Harness:

a) Single Harness: Used for a single horse pulling a vehicle, this harness typically includes a collar, hames, traces, and a backband.
b) Double Harness: Designed for two horses pulling a vehicle side by side, it consists of two complete single harnesses joined together.
c) Team Harness: Used for three or more horses pulling a vehicle, team harnesses feature additional components to accommodate the multiple horses.
d) Work Harness: Sturdier and more robust than driving harnesses, work harnesses are used for agricultural and heavy-duty tasks.


Understanding horse harness is vital for anyone interested in horse-drawn vehicles or equine work. By grasping the purpose, components, and types of harness, we can appreciate the intricate relationship between humans and horses in various industries. As we continue to honor and preserve our equestrian heritage, horse harness remains an integral part of our history and culture. So, the next time you witness a horse-drawn carriage or marvel at a team of horses in action, you can appreciate the intricacies of the harness that enable these incredible animals to fulfill their roles.



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