Let’s do an internship at GSOC this year!

Hackers guide to Google Summer of Code

Twoleaps Team
5 min readDec 12, 2019


All you need to know to get started and crack GSOC.

Hey there, open-source enthusiast. This blog is meant to unravel the tips and tricks of how to get selected as a GSOC intern and spend an awesome 3 months shipping code that millions might use. Whether you are someone experienced in open source or you are only starting, this article will teach you everything you need to know to succeed in a limited time frame.

Know your tools — Getting Started

Getting started with something unfamiliar is always a challenging task. However, hackers don’t get intimidated. They breakdown a complex task into a series of easy tasks that don’t look so complex anymore. We will follow exactly that here.

  • Know what you getting into. You want to crack GSOC but do you understand all the rules of the game? If not, just head out to the official GSOC website immediately and spend the next few minutes reading all about it. Don’t forget to read the “How it works” section.
  • Be confident with one programming language. You will spend your 3 months coding this summer. For this, you need to have decent command in at least one programming language. No need to be a pro, but if you are just starting with programming then you gotta rethink if this is the right time to approach GSOC. Know-how of one coding language is essential to working on any open source projects. In case you are feeling unsure, use the Twoleaps app to talk to an expert or peer about this.
  • Must Learn Git & Github. Git is a software tool for version control. It is how pro programmers collaborate in the real world. You need to know Git. Start by reading a blog or watching a video. Once done, create an account on Github and try their lab work.

Pro Tip: Don’t underestimate the importance of preparation. Spending time doing the groundwork will save a ton of time and effort when you have skin in the game.

Find the perfect project like a Hacker

Most people spend an enormous amount of time in finding which project to pick. Many get stuck here forever. But we are hackers and we will hack our way around. Let’s build an algorithm to find the perfect project to get started.

  1. Select the programming language that you know the best. For this example, let’s assume Python.
  2. Now, go through the list of all projects that participated in GSOC last year and filter out ones that use Python.
  3. Pick any top 3 you like from this list. (Pro hacker tip: Its always better to select a project from a popular organization)
  4. Cross-check the activity on these projects on Openhub. Be sure you do not pick a dormant project. Active projects are favorable.
  5. Done. You have your perfect project to get started with.

Pro Tip: Kudos to Mozilla for building this. If you are still struggling with your perfect project, try it. If you do not find Mozilla interesting, consult an expert in open-source on the Twoleaps app to help you decide a project.

First contribution. Keep it simple silly

Most amateur programmers think they will build a spaceship on their first day with code but hackers are pro. Hackers know that they need to warm up before a long run. When starting, make sure your first contribution is as simple as possible. A task to fix a spelling mistake on a website is the perfect first contribution to make. Trust me, the goal of the first contribution is not to write fancy code. It is to learn the process of shipping code to a gigantic code base which in general involves steps such as create a pull request, follow coding guidelines, get code reviewed, and merge final changes to the main code.

Pro Tip: Always read the “How to contribute” page of the project you working on. You will find one for almost every good open source project. Example here.

You are not alone and you should know

Open-source software is created and maintained by a community of programmers. It is important to realize this because to be a pro open-source hacker, you must collaborate with other hackers, and learn from other pros. Seek help and advice when needed. All (large) open-source communities run a communication channel on either IRC or Gitter, details of which can be found on the website of the organization. If you are stuck somewhere when writing code, go and broadcast a message and you should find help. If you are feeling demotivated, its always a good idea to discuss your progress with some peers who have struggled just like you on the Twoleaps app.

Pro tip: When seeking help over chat channels, know the difference in timezone between you and other pro developers of that community. No one can help while they are asleep.

Its a marathon, not a sprint

Google summer of code is a program to which thousands of students apply each year but very few make it through. Those who make it through need not have a beautiful mind, they are hackers who understand the importance of starting well in advance and being persistent. Open source organizations select people based on their history of contributions in open source. This means your background such as your university, course-work, location, CGPA does not matter at all. What matters is the number of commits in open source projects and the quality of those commits. Quality commits happen only when you spend ample time with a project.

Pro tip: Do not switch projects frequently. Find something you are interested in and stick to it. There will be a learning curve involved with every new project you try out.


Well done! for reading through. Now you know all the hacks to crack GSOC this year. Participating in GSOC is a learning experience whether you get selected or not so don’t hold yourself back. You can always try next year. As a college student, you have four to five attempts on average to make it through GSOC. It is always recommended to seek out mentorship and advice from other folks who have cracked GSOC in the past and learn from their experiences. In case you do not have such a person in your friend circle, there is a big friendly community of GSOCers on Twoleaps app willing to have a dialog with you. GSOC selections aren’t luck-based so if you are well prepared and know what you are doing, you can be assured to be a GSOCer soon. All the best future GSOCer!

