South Korean startup Bitsensing offers high-resolution radar technology

2 min readJun 20, 2024
South Korean startup Bitsensing offers high-resolution radar technology

Self-driving car manufacturers often utilize lidar and cameras, but Bitsensing, a South Korean startup, thinks its high-resolution 4D imaging radar provides a strong substitute. Bitsensing was founded in 2018 with the goal of enhancing road safety through the use of cutting-edge radar technology. This purpose was motivated by a fatal accident that occurred due to low visibility.

4D Imaging Radar: Advantages and Applications

All-weather performance: Bitsensing’s radar provides accurate object detection in difficult circumstances and is unaffected by rain, fog, or low light, unlike cameras and lidar.

Prospective lidar replacement: Bitsensing thinks their technology has the potential to eventually replace lidar because of its faster development rate, even if its current performance falls short of lidar’s high resolution.

Self-driving car surround detection: With a range of more than 300 meters, their radar gives autonomous vehicles a thorough understanding of their surrounds.

Beyond Self-Driving Cars: Smart Cities and Healthcare

Traffic Insight Monitoring Sensor (TIMOS): This innovative sensor does not require external PCs or wires because AI computing is integrated right into the device. TIMOS can detect different types of cars, keep an eye on traffic in twelve lanes, and spot potential safety risks. Right now, Bitsensing is working with partners in six nations to implement TIMOS.

Applications in digital health: Bitsensing believes that their radar technology could be useful for tracking sleep. Their technology can monitor limb movements, apnea, and sleep quality, providing important information to medical professionals.

Bitsensing’s Growth and Market Outlook

The business is seeing an increase in revenue and is seeking alliances to help it grow internationally. They provide alternatives for licensing, data, software, and hardware.

Bitsensing emphasizes the increasing demand for high-performance sensors in the developing world of software-defined automobiles, even though the commercialization of self-driving cars has encountered setbacks. Bitsensing’s 4D imaging radar technology has the ability to work well in all weather conditions and is highly versatile, making it a promising tool for the future of mobility and beyond.

Investor Confidence

After a successful $25 million Series B investment round, Bitsensing has raised a total of $46 million. Aju Capital, HL Mando Corporation, Industrial Bank of Korea, and Korea Development Bank are among the investors. Investor confidence in Bitsensing’s technology and its ability to upend the sensor sector is reflected in this robust backing.

Published by Tycoonstory Media




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