Big Cat Brawl: Death Match

2 min readMay 23, 2022


Win..or Burn

Death Match Explained

Death Match was inspired by the essence of our community. The Big Cats are born competitors who will risk it all to be the best & earn respect amongst the elite. Once a month, the cubs living at the top of the leaderboards will be invited to compete for handsome prizes, and glory. Total domination is the only option — losers will be burned from the blockchain forever as we must purge the weak. Brawlers will travel from all corners of the metaverse to compete in this ultimate winner takes all tournament.


At the end of the tournament, all except for the surviving contestants will get burned. There will be N2 matches total, following a bracket style game-play — Every bracket round will have matches between two TYGR— The loser’s Tygr will be “burned” (transferred to a null address) — Each winner/victor will accumulate the weapons/traits from the loser into the winner’s item inventory — There will be two brackets (double elimination), so losers still have a chance to save their nft — Tournaments can be run once or twice a month — Every player who wants to participate must stake their Tygr that will be used in the game-play — Once the nft is staked it can generate 5x $Stripe during the duration of the tournament — While the tournament is going, there is no way to unstake — Staking ensures that everyone participating agrees to the terms of the tournament — To start tournaments will be limited to only nfts from TYGR NFT collections, but eventually could expand to include NFTs from any collection.

To be continued…

