TMUP Content in April

Tyler Hooper
3 min readApr 3, 2023

Hello! I know this is coming late, so thank you for being patient. Despite being a seemingly long month, March flew by in terms of prepping for the podcast.

That said, this is coming down the pipe next month (I hope). This update will be brief as I have to get back to working on getting this content together!

Missing: Thomas Stephen Blake

.This case is fascinating to me for so many reasons. Thomas Stephen Blake went missing from Big Spring, Texas, in early August 1987. Tom was a truck driver, and after he went missing, his big rig was found idling with a whole load of onions in a rest area several miles from Big Spring, where Tom was last seen. Inside the truck, police found his cigarettes, I.D. and other personal items.

MISSING: Thomas Stephen Blake

Tom was with a woman at the time who was also missing. I contacted his sister Linda Bird to discuss Tom’s case. Did he leave of his own volition with a new love? Was he running from trouble or the cartel, or was he looking to start life anew? Linda was kind enough to join the show, and you can listen to the episode on Patreon right now. It’ll also be on the main feed this week (likely Thursday).

More to come…

I am taking a vacation the week of April 10, so the latter episode in April will be a week late to both Patreon and the main feed. So, the week of April 17, I hope to have the first of a multiple-part “mini” series available on Patreon, which I want to wait another week or so before announcing the case. But this one will be interesting as the private investigator working it is giving me access few have had yet. This one is developing in real-time, so I want to reveal only a little until it comes together.

I am also working on a more extensive series about a suspicious death. This series will be structured like how I did my Ryan Shtuka and Kris Fowler series. I am setting a tentative release date for mid-late May, but I will have more on this later in April.

Sorry for being a bit more cryptic this time; I am focused on building the content and promise you, the patrons, will know when episodes are locked in.

Also, I am building a video setup to start doing short video updates instead of these written ones! I aim to start doing this in May or June.

Thanks for listening and supporting the podcast!



Tyler Hooper

Nonfiction writer. General musings on history, geopolitics, podcasting, life, and things in between.