Absent Minded

And Absent Bodied

Tara Ivie
Nov 21, 2023
Photo by Pixabay

At times, I’m a phantom,
Hauling this fleshy husk behind me.
Some days, I’m a zombie;
Me eyes see, but my brain is missing.

I wish I could do both, be in
my head and inside my body.
I wish my subconscious and I
were on speaking terms.

Instead, I’m crying over my itchy socks
When I should be doing my homework,
And I’m wondering whether I’m doing this right
When I should be feeling pleasure in our kiss.

If my head were a ghost town
Then it’d be full of tired people
Who worked the plow in the rain
And stayed in on nice sunny days.



Tara Ivie

I'm a creative who loves language, music, crafting, science, art, and general heresy. Nice to meet you! :D