AI Helps with Social Media Posts.

3 min readDec 7, 2022

Asking AI for help when you post on social media is not something I thought I would ever say, however with the creation of ChatGPT I’m taking a few steps back. Before I explain what I’m doing, I want to say ChatGPT has positively helped me increase engagement on my content, and without asking for feedback from my peers I assume they know that I’m talking about relevant information.

Here’s an example;

I’m running one experiment where I ask ChatGPT to create a list of 20 posts to talk about data analytics on twitter. Posts that are engaging. I post a few of them per day on Linkedin and Twitter. To my surprise people are engaging with the tweets/linkedin posts and telling personal stories.

AI helping you work smarter..

I did not ask the AI ask the audience a question.

With the next experiment, I’m going to ask the AI to ask questions in the content so that it’s more engaging.

Here are the networking related posts that ask the audience a question;

  1. “What are your top tips for networking success? Share them in the comments below!”
  2. “What’s the most valuable connection you’ve made through networking? Tell us your story!”
  3. “Do you find networking events helpful for making connections? Why or why not?”
  4. “What’s the best way to break the ice with someone you’re trying to network with?”
  5. “How do you stay organized and follow up with the connections you make through networking?”
  6. “What’s the most memorable networking experience you’ve had? Share it with us!”
  7. “What are some common networking mistakes to avoid? Let us know in the comments!”
  8. “Do you have a go-to networking strategy? Share it with the community!”
  9. “How do you handle rejection when networking? Do you have any tips for moving past it?”
  10. “What are your favorite networking resources (books, websites, etc.)? Share your recommendations!”

Excited to learn from this experiment and link to my findings here.

I believe ethics will be questioned many times when we run into AI ethics debates, so i started that already.




blogging helps me learn, remember, and understand concepts., twitter = @itylergarrett