My miserable path to python expertise, continues, on the Macbook — Homebrew for dumbies.

3 min readJul 3, 2018


After digging around trying to understand what was the next step, everything leads me to setting up Homebrew. Thanks for joining my miserable path to python expertise, on my Macbook today, getting Homebrew worked out because I’m the dumbie.

I’m wearing this shirt right now too. Can you believe people listen to me for technology advice, lol.

I like easy, so far this is somewhat easy, and once completed I’m going to give these apps away and explain every step of the path, otherwise I don’t feel like I’m going to learn python or become a python expert if I’m not sharing and offering guidance to others on the same journey, call me the thought leader of sucking at python — fine by me.

From my perspective, it’s doing a bunch of magical shit.

Homebrew showing off its skillz. No clue what this is right now…

What I do know is, Homebrew works really quickly on my mac.

Successful messages make me feel like I just “learned kung fu”

Which i’m assuming a lot of programming feels like that, matrix like…

So, remember, the purpose of learning Python is to automate web scraping, api pulls, and other fun stuff I will link to here, in the future. (if you want to skip ahead)

You’re probably wonder, what does homebrew do….

What Does Homebrew Do?

Homebrew installs the stuff you need that Apple didn’t.

Oh, gotcha. Something I won’t understand for a long time.

How to setup Homebrew on mac

Learning how to setup homebrew is as easy as going to their website, and learning where your terminal is on your macbook.

  1. open terminal
  2. paste this — /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

3. answer easy questions

4. enjoy homebrew and whatever the hell it does.

“Approved” — as I would say in meetings where people are talking about things I don’t understand.

It’s smarter than Apple, damn, that’s rad. Keep it simple, keep doing austin photography and dallas photography, leave this shit to the wizards.

Alright, now that we got this thing installed, I’m assuming we can start using the pip install function :)?

If people ranking these kinds of tutorials would put their content together, and optimize the user learning experience, I believe learning python would be a lot easier.

Typos by tyler garrett.
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blogging helps me learn, remember, and understand concepts., twitter = @itylergarrett