How to Celebrate Your 25th Birthday on the 25th

6 min readJan 25, 2018


A younger version of me.

A journey from boyhood to manhood marked with reflection and growth.


Consider the following piece a short story about growth, reflection, and light if you consider yourself a dreamer. Consider the following piece a “how-to” on life if you are dreaming and completely lost.

Introduction — What is a “Golden Birthday”?

In short, a golden birthday is the day you turn the age of your birth day. For example, today is January 25th and I am turning 25 years old. It’s sometimes referred to as a “grand birthday”, but I like golden birthday better.

It may have to do with my initial encounter with the phrase. I remember being a young boy, maybe around the age of 8 or 9, when I first heard the phrase “golden birthday”. It was after school, I remember the brick of the building, I remember the early summer weather, and I remember catching the last few words of this girl’s sentence, “’s my golden birthday.”

“What’s a golden birthday?”, asked one kid.

“It’s when you turn the number your birthday is on. I’m turning 8 today and today is the 8th.”, said the girl in a matter-of-fact tone.

“Wow, that means my golden birthday is next year!”, said a boy.

“Does that mean mine is when I’m 30?”, asked another boy with disappointment.

I felt his sorrow. I was 8 or 9 and knew that my birthday was on the 25th. If what this girl said was true, (which it had to be because turning the age of your birth day just sounds magical) then I wouldn’t experience my golden birthday until I was 25! I fell silent and couldn’t imagine myself at 25. It seemed so far away, and I pictured how old I would be. Do I even know any 25 year olds? My thoughts were everywhere.

Closing my eyes, I can totally feel the feelings I had back then. Almost perfectly, I can feel the initial disappointment I shared with the other boy. I can feel the confusion. I can feel my small brain doing mental calculations and running scenarios that I could barely form. Then I can feel this optimistic feeling of hope and exuberance. I felt a tiny light forming within my essence. Just make it to 25, I thought.

A Time Capsule

After many birthdays, I have come to the realization that I have actually buried a time capsule. Well, not literally buried, but I’ve created one. It’s an amazing phenomenon if you think on it, and today I am opening it.

Here’s how: at the age of 8 I took whatever feelings, emotions, and thoughts and stuffed them away for a later date. I stuffed this feeling into a capsule, sealed it shut, and on the cover wrote, “Open at the age of 25”. I guess you can say along the way I’ve added different experiences to the time capsule. I added pictures, and words, and memories. Each birthday I’ve had the opportunity to reflect, and I do so for awhile, but then I keep it moving.

A visual of me opening a time capsule.

Light upon Light

Today on January 25th, 2018 I am opening that time capsule that I created for myself years ago. I can truly understand why they call it a golden birthday. A light has been growing inside me over the years, and at this very moment my entire inside is illuminated with a golden hue of light. Also, my soul has expanded and I’m able to better understand light. Light upon light. This is very esoteric, but it’s the perfect way to describe how I feel. My capacity for understanding has grown with the many experiences I’ve had.

Therefore, it’s not enough for me to celebrate my birthday with liquor, or a party, or even gifts. My soul is content with reflecting on the 25 years of life I’ve had. I’m satisfied with looking back over the time that has passed, and looking forward to the years that may be ahead of me. I tend to think how I couldn’t imagine myself at 25 when I was younger. I think of what type of man I am today. A husband, a father, a professional, an engaged citizen. A man who is marked by the achievements he’s made scholastically. A man who still feels like a kid inside. I smile. These are all things I could not envision for myself at a younger age.

Have I been successful thus far? Have I honored my parents? Am I a good brother? A good grandson? Will I return to my Creator both pleasing and well pleased? Have I been dutiful in the provisions given to me? These are all questions I feel that measure the true success of life. In short, there are many things to reflect on as I sit here on top of this mountain, but I can’t stay up here forever. I have to keep climbing, keep moving.

A visual of me standing on top of all the intangibles I’ve amassed, and thanking God for all I’ve been given.

A Call to Action:

I couldn’t tell you all of the wishes I’ve made blowing out candles atop of birthday cakes. I’ve stopped making wishes a long time ago. But today I feel different, I wish for many things and feel that they can be done with the help of others. I’m feeling the energy in the universe and in the celestial heavens that make this day special for me. A key to growing up is realizing it’s not all about you.

With that said, if you find it in your heart, I wish for you to give time or monetary donations to the following entities. These are all entities I believe in sincerely:

  1. Street Groomers — This is an organization in Atlanta that is grassroots and is really implementing change on a personal level. They are helping fight crime and poverty in the West End neighborhood especially.
  2. Tuskegee University — This institution was led by Dr. Booker T. Washington and is a leading educational institution in various fields. Also — my alma mater.
  3. Girls Who Code — If you haven’t heard, you need to learn how to code. This organization focuses on closing the gender gap in tech, and I firmly believe they can accomplish this and so much more.
  4. Community Masjid — This is my local masjid here in Atlanta. When you donate time or money, it’s not going to a single person, but to effective programs that benefit the entire community. Check out their Facebook page here, and also please send a letter to Imam Jamil Al-Amin, formerly known as H. Rap Brown.
  5. Atlanta Masjid of Al-Islam — Atlanta Masjid will always feel like home for me, and for that reason I ask you to join me in donating to their efforts. I especially like the Faith Institute program and the Healthy Marriage Initiative program. Donate here.
  6. The Kristen Amerson Youth Foundation — It pains me to see news headlines of youth suicide. Please join me in donating to this foundation which aims to implement early intervention and outreach services to prevent youth suicide.
  7. Equal Justice Initiative — Have you seen this TED talk? If not, I encourage you to watch it and get to know Bryan Stevenson. Afterwards, if you find it in your heart donate toward this organization’s efforts.


In conclusion, I’d like to give praise to my Lord who has allowed for me to reach this new pinnacle of life. Thank you to my wife Fatimah, and my son Adam for giving me all of the love I can ask for. You two are the best things that have happened to me as I’ve grown from a boy to a man. To my family, I love you. Mom, Dad, Chelsea, Brooke, Nana, Grandma, Aunt Crys, Tiffanie, Kristi, aunts and uncles, and cousins on cousins thank you. To my fraternity brothers, ’06. To my friends who are near and dear to me thank you for your love. I also pray that anyone I have wronged can forgive me. Finally, to my communities worldwide, I appreciate what you have given me and can only hope I’ve given you something of value in return.

