Chiropractor Self-Care Strategies


Tyler Bigenho, Chiropractor at Clean Spine holding spine demo while teaching Chiropractor Self care strategies
Dr. Tyler Bigenho

Are you currently under chiropractic care, aiming to feel your best? It’s well-known that adjustments can significantly improve your day-to-day life, leading to more energy, improved sleep, and reduced pain. However, many newcomers might not realize that their journey toward better health doesn’t end when they walk out of the office. In fact, a tailored self-care regimen, as recommended by your chiropractor, can greatly amplify the benefits of each session. So, what are self-care strategies, and how can you incorporate them at home? Let’s explore!

Practice Good Posture

For starters, keeping a good posture is essential. Whether you’re sitting at your desk or standing in line, you should aim to maintain the natural curve of your spine. Experts advise aligning your ears with your shoulders and keeping your shoulder blades back and down. This reduces tension and supports spinal health. Remember, a few moments of mindful posture can go a long way in preventing discomfort.

Support Your Feet

The foundation of your body’s alignment starts with your feet. For this reason, wearing supportive shoes is vital to prevent discomfort and avoid contributing to spinal misalignments. Here, chiropractors recommend considering high-quality shoes or using innersoles in your existing footwear for added support.

Exercise Regularly

There’s no hiding the fact that regular physical activity is imperative for good health. In fact, physical activity offers many benefits, including enhanced cardiovascular health, improved muscle tone, and better weight management.

Moreover, it plays a pivotal role in supporting spinal health because exercise helps strengthen the muscles that surround the spine, ensuring they provide optimal support and stability. The World Health Organization suggests 150–300 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise weekly for adults.

Build Strong Core Muscles

Having a strong core is fundamental for sustaining good posture. Your core serves as the anchor for your entire body, including the support for your upper body, back, and neck. So, when you engage in targeted core-strengthening exercises, you fortify these critical muscles, equipping them to play a pivotal role in promoting spinal stability and alignment. Whether through pilates, yoga, or targeted strength training, focusing on your core helps you stand tall, move with grace, and preserve the long-term well-being of your spine.

Find Your Sleep Position

Optimal sleep contributes significantly to chiropractic care. Therefore, your mattress and pillow should be carefully selected to provide optimal support to your spine, fostering a night of uninterrupted, comfortable sleep.

For those who favor sleeping on their sides, placing a pillow between your knees can prove highly beneficial. This simple adjustment aids in aligning the hips and reducing pressure on the lower back, thereby promoting a healthier spinal position throughout the night.

Alternatively, back sleepers can enhance their sleeping posture by positioning a pillow beneath their knees. This method helps maintain the natural curvature of the spine and provides additional support, contributing to a more comfortable and supportive sleeping experience.

Final Thoughts

The bottom line is that your chiropractic care doesn’t end when you leave the clinic; it’s an ongoing commitment to your well-being. By incorporating these chiropractor self-care strategies into your daily life, you can significantly enhance the benefits of each session. So, embrace these strategies as the foundation of your ongoing quest for better health, and enjoy the lasting benefits they bring. Not only will your spine thank you, but you’ll experience a more energized and pain-free life!

