Best Forex Fundamental Analysis signals | A Comprehensive Research 2024

Tyler Durden
11 min readAug 9, 2023


Really, I find fundamental analysis trade recommendations to be the best type of trading signals.

Maybe it’s because I like fundamentals.

Could be.

Or maybe it’s because traders that use this trading approach in general are more professional?

That’s also kinda true.

But wait a second…

Where do you even find the best Forex signals with fundamentals?

Because most out there seem to trade mostly with technical analysis.


Well yes, that’s right.

So in this article I’m going to show the best traders to follow.

And on top of that, I will give you the right perspective and advice to organize and execute the right trades and insights.

Yes, so NOT just the average boring list of recommendations with no added value whatsoever.

No, something much different.



To begin with, the first thing to talk about is obviously where to find the best fundamental signal providers.

Here it is…

Where to find the best Forex fundamental signals:

Of course, the first question and most essential part is knowing who really are the best signal providers for this trading style, right?


And this ranges from Telegram channels to regular websites and platforms.

I mean, you can find trading insights on many different platforms so…

Let me show you the best ones.

Telegram channels for Forex fundamental analysis:

By far, the BeSomebodyFX Telegram channel is the best for Forex fundamentals and everything related.

Literally, here’s an example:

Signal with fundamental analysis for Forex trading on Telegram
Fundamental trading signal on Telegram

Can you see why it’s the best on Telegram?

It’s quite obvious.

That kind of insight and analysis for any type of trader is extremely valuable because it’s a trade ready to take right there and then.

It tells you the logic, the technical levels, and everything that you need to take a solid trade.

On top of that there are also very insightful and useful updates for context, like this:

Update of Forex trade on Telegram with insightful fundamental context
Trade update on Telegram with fundamental context

That’s good stuff.

Now, the next one is…

Fundamental signals on ForexLive:

Wait a second, signals on ForexLive?

Isn’t that just for news and things like that?

Yes, it’s mainly for that.

But when you look closely you can find some interesting posts like this:

Trade idea on ForexLive

And when you dive deep into the article you find a very insightful trade idea:

Signal with fundamental analysis on ForexLive
Fundamental analysis with trade idea on ForexLive

Sometimes they share trade ideas from various analysts and you certainly want to pay attention to those.

Those are some great insights that are actionable and professional.

You just have to spot the signal in between the noise:

Snippet of the actionable trade insight from the ForexLive article
Actionable snippet from the ForexLive insight

And by the way, keep in mind…

Just because it’s professional it doesn’t mean that it’s always right.


Always evaluate and analyze the insight yourself to judge whether the recommendation is really a good trade or not.

How do you do that?

Just evaluate classic things like:

  1. Risk reward.
  2. Fundamental context.
  3. Technical context.

I mean, is the risk reward good? Does the context make sense to you? And is technical analysis aligned with the trade idea?

Then with time you will also notice who’s more accurate and who’s more accurate than others.

That’s an advantage that you build over time following the various trade recommendations and insights.

Fundamental insights on Bloomberg:

I know, I know. Bloomberg does NOT have trading signals, at all.

But similarly to ForexLive sometimes you can find some interesting articles where experts illustrate their trade ideas.

We can call them… fundamental insights?

Yes, sometimes they are useful, sometimes not.

Either way, reading the expectations of some of the largest hedge funds and highly reputable analysts has its usefulness.

They are NOT always actionable trade signals, but it’s an added value for a bit of macro context.

And on top of the classic written articles you can also watch the Bloomberg market surveillance videos on Youtube:

Bloomberg on Youtube

They go really indepth with interviews and comments from various analysts and economists on the topics that matter.

Like inflation or the FED’s monetary policy:

Key macro topics from Bloomberg
Key fundamental topics from Bloomberg

That’s useful, but remember that you are mostly listening to analysts and NOT traders, so always do your own research to confirm if you agree with a trade idea or not.

Then, by the way, you will also notice that when you start reading the various insights from professional traders you learn something.

What exactly do you learn?

Well, let me show you.

What makes a good Forex fundamental signal provider:

I don’t want to make this part too boring but hear me out because it’s important…

There are some super important criteria and factors that you MUST keep in mind when looking for a signals provider:

  1. The experience and professionalism of the trader sending the trade recommendations.
  2. The professionalism and insightfulness of the recommendations.
  3. The trading style itself.

So let’s go with order…

The experience of the signal provider:

This speaks for itself, you can follow a trader with a lot of trading experience or you can follow an improvised one.

It’s straightforward.

So the question becomes…

How do you notice the difference?

Let me show you…

Here’s what a professional trade recommendation looks like with this trade from the BeSomebodyFX Telegram channel:

Trading signal on Telegram with insightful fundamental analysis
Fundamental Forex signal on Telegram

See the insightfulness, the value, the professionalism?

That’s what I’m talking about.

That should be your standard, you should want that level of professionalism in all the traders you follow.

Don’t settle for less.


Because very often the professionalism of the trades is a direct expression of the experience of the signal provider.

Simple as that.

The professionalism and insightfulness of the trade recommendations:

This obviously ties in with what we discussed above.

The details of the trade recommendations often tell you whether the trader knows what he’s doing or not.

It’s a pretty big deal if you think about it.

But let me show you another example, this one from ForexLive:

Insightful fundamental analysis from ForexLive
Forex fundamental analysis on ForexLive

Obviously you wouldn’t expect anything less than that from a professional trader, right?

I know.

The trading style:

This is now where we get a little more nuanced because the trading style effectively means something like…

  1. The average risk reward of the trades.
  2. The ability of the trader to cut losing trades quickly.
  3. And mostly the ability to let the winning trades run.

Very basic stuff, right?

I mean, it’s the basic trading theory that you find in the educational material of websites like Investopedia:

Search results for basic Forex trading education on Google
Professional trading mindset and skills

Basic but it’s true stuff.

That’s what makes a good trader, and those are exactly the qualities that you have to look for in a good signal provider.

But what’s the point?

Well, what I’m trying to say is that you should evaluate and assess whether the trader that you are following has any weaknesses or strengths.

From there you can adapt accordingly to optimize what needs to be optimized.

For instance…

Does the signal provider you follow take profits too early on the trades?

Good, let the trades run longer than he does.

Do you see what I’m talking about here?


Be smart.

Now, what else should you keep in mind?

The types of fundamental signals:

How do you know which type of trading signal is right for you?

It’s a simple question, right?

Well yes, and it also has a simple answer…

It depends on your trading style.

Are you a swing trader, a short term trader, or a super fast intraday trader?

Simply, which trading style do you like most?

Swing trading? Or maybe you prefer short term intraday trading?

That’s up to you to decide based on your preferred style but I find that swing trading Forex signals are usually the best.

They are easier to follow and more consistent.

Swing trading fundamental signals:

These are the trades that ride the major trends and movements in the market.

But you already know what swing trading is, don’t you?

I’m sure you do and I’m sure you also understand that fundamentals play a large role in these trades because they are what actually create the trends.

Yes, the macro context is what makes the market trend in a particular direction.

So if you want to ride the big trends you have to know what’s actually moving it.

And that’s the role of fundamental analysis.

Intraday fundamental trading signals:

This is where it gets a little bit more complex because this type of trading often tends to be a bit harder to follow correctly.

Because if you see the trade a little too late you might have missed the move already.


So you have to always be in front of the charts to be ready to take action on the signal when it’s sent.

That’s obviously NOT suitable for everybody.

And that’s why swing trades are often preferred to intraday ones.


Fundamentals in intraday trading play a role near important news events.

You know, inflation numbers like CPI:

Headline about inflation data
Bloomberg headline about CPI release

Or interest rate decisions like the FOMC:

Headline about FOMC interest rate decision with rate hike
Bloomberg headline about FOMC rate decision

And so on and so forth.

Those events tend to create short term intraday volatility that can be traded. So you can take advantage of the intraday fluctuations and volatility in the market created by those events.

Now, everything that we have mentioned so far is essential but is still NOT all that you need to know.

Yes, because there is another topic to debate that goes to the next level.

Here it is…

How to follow fundamental signals for Forex correctly:

This type of trade recommendation often can be too advanced and too complex if you are a beginner trader or if you don’t know all the technical terms and definitions.

What am I trying to say?

Basically following this type of trade ideas correctly means that you are able to:

  1. Understand the fundamental context behind the trade recommendation.
  2. Understand the fundamental terms used in the analysis.
  3. Know how to put it into action.

Makes sense?

Let me show you…

How to understand the fundamental context around a trade recommendation:

This is where it gets interesting because in this case, it comes back to the professionalism of the signal provider.


A good trader explains his trades in detail so that you understand exactly the logic behind the trade.


Here’s an example:

Article from ForexLive with a fundamental trade signal
Fundamental trade recommendation from ForexLive

Whether you understand the concepts or not you can read the whole logic around the trade right there in the analysis itself.

That’s straightforward but sometimes instead you have to research some things by yourself.

Yes, here’s what I mean…

Research the fundamental terms used in the analysis:

Often you will find a lot of complex terms that you might not know about.

Things like…

Yields, bonds, rate hikes, rate cuts, inflation, monetary policy tightening…

Snippet that shows various macro terms
Snippet from ForexLive article

And I can go on and on with many more trade examples.

The point?

Well, the point is that when you don’t understand something you can do two things.

Either you get in touch with the signal provider to ask him to give you more details or simply do your own research on Google…

And unsurprisingly you still end up with the classic Investopedia:

Google search for interest rates in Forex trading
Interest rates in Forex trading

It’s a pretty good resource for classic definitions and basic education.


When a term that you don’t know about comes up, go ahead and research it.

That’s super important for your trading, but why exactly?

Because over time this way you will build your fundamental vocabulary and in no time you will know all the important macro terms and definitions.

And now this is exactly where the next step comes into play…

Because the more you understand about this trading style the more you can put it into action.

How to turn fundamental analysis into a trade in Forex:

There’s a bit of a difference between a trade idea and an actual trade.

I mean, they are two different things.

So it’s important to know how to turn an insight into a trade to take.

And when you follow the right signal providers that is pretty straightforward because you can follow the technical details provided by the chart.

Like in this trade from the BeSomebodyFX Telegram channel:

Forex signal on Telegram with both technical and fundamental analysis combined
Forex signal with technical and fundamental analysis combined

You can see a clear trade to take from the technical plan outlined in the chart.

But sometimes instead you have to do a bit of the work yourself, and that’s ok.

So how do you do that exactly?

Technical analysis.

Yes, the very basic and classic technical analysis.

You know, those things like market structure, trendlines, price action.

The regular stuff that you find in most educational articles:

The basics of technical analysis and price action
Basics of technical analysis and price action on Investopedia

Classic, but VERY important so that you can enter a trade at the right zones and with the right risk reward.

With that said…

If you don’t know much about technical analysis spend some time educating yourself on that.

For real.

It’s important that you know and understand how to read a chart so that you can trade effectively.

Youtube is well organized with plenty of videos on technical analysis:

Search results for Forex Technical analysis on Youtube
Technical analysis on Youtube

So that’s where you can get started on the subject if you need to.

Now with that said…

These are the best fundamental analysis Forex signals:

We have talked about the best places to find the best fundamental analysis with the best Telegram channels and websites for it.

We mentioned what actually makes a good signal provider, and what differentiates a reliable one from a less reliable one.

And on top of that, we also discussed how to correctly follow trade recommendations and insights.

Is there anything else to mention?

Not really.


Here is something worth saying to conclude the article effectively:

What’s that?


Be smart, follow professional fundamental traders, and value the quality and insightfulness of the signals that you follow because that’s what matters.

When you follow the best fundamental signals in Forex trading you get the best trades to follow, that’s the way.



Tyler Durden

Writing about Forex trading. But more specifically, I write about the best sources of insights, trade ideas, and analysis that traders should follow.