Looking for Growth Marketers

Tyler Elliston
1 min readNov 11, 2016


If you are a growth marketer looking for moonlight, part-time or full-time work, keep reading!

After nearly a decade of running growth marketing for 5+ companies, I decided I needed a change. I was burned out from working long hours, sad I had little time for family and hobbies, and bored from a flattening learning curve. So I quit. I decided I wanted to rethink my relationship to work and try something different. I asked myself questions like:

What if my schedule was flexible and I could spend time the way I want?

What if I could change how many hours I work each week, anywhere from 20 to 60?

What if I could apply my skills across multiple products and learn more, more quickly?

What if I could just spend time on growth instead of organizational politics?

These questions have so far led me to growth marketing contract work. And it turns out many companies are interested in growth marketing contractors. I’m turning away potential clients because my plate is full. I’d like to hire someone to work with me so I can say “yes” to more clients, some of which are top notch companies. I also talk to companies only interested in full-time growth marketers; I’d like to know you if you are excellent at growth marketing and open to new opportunities. I can potentially connect you to great not-posted jobs.

If you are interested in moonlighting, part-time or full time work, reach out by emailing talent@rightsideup.co.



Tyler Elliston

growth marketer @rightsideup.com, sports fan, wannabe long distance runner