Top 10 Reasons to Eat Healthily

Tyler Grasham
2 min readFeb 11, 2019


Eating good food is very good and essential to the body, and it fuels the body to work properly. Eating healthy has lots of benefits in the body and this benefit can be seen and felt.

While it is okay to eat unhealthy sometimes, it’s also very necessary to form the habit of eating healthy. Here are a few reasons why eating healthy is important for our health.

Good health

Staying in good health is an important reason why we need to eat healthily. The kind of food one eats has a great impact on your health generally.

Weight loss

For those that really want to lose weight, eating healthy can help with the weight loss journey because if you eat healthily, you tend to avoid junk food which has high calories in them.


Eating healthy food gives you energy that helps you perform well throughout the day. Like food that contains carbohydrate gives energy.


Healthy food has a way of affecting your mood positively, the kind of food you eat has an impact on your brain and parts that regulate your mood and eating healthily can also reduce stress.

Maintains immune system

Healthy food helps balance and maintain the immune system of your body. The immune system is your defense against diseases, and if your immune system is weak one is prone to diseases. Eat a well-balanced diet to boost and support the immune system.


Funny but true, eating healthy food prevents one from aging fast, food like tomatoes that is rich in vitamin c, helps build the collagen in your system which makes the skin firm and delays aging. Healthy food like fish, berries, etc which is rich in vitamins and minerals are also very good for the skin.

Reduces diseases

Unhealthy eating causes disease like diabetes, kidney failure etc. So to save money in the future and avoid such diseases, it is important to eat healthily.

Healthy bone

Eating lots of calcium gives you strong and healthy bones which also prevents bone disease like osteoarthritis later in the future.

Good sleep

Eating healthy makes you sleep well, as sleep is also very important for health.

Eating healthily might not always be easy, but according to Tyler Grasham, it’s necessary to try and commit to eating healthy because it helps avoid future health issues. Eat as much as your body needs to be combined with lots of exercises to keep your body in the perfect shape.

