What you don’t know about mask-wearing, but probably should.

Tyler Lum
8 min readApr 10, 2020

Rethink the information you’ve been given regarding mask-wearing.

Should I wear a mask?

With COVID-19 causing fear and panic around the world, the discussion surrounding whether or not to wear masks has become increasingly polarized and unproductive. You either hear, “Please wear a mask! It helps!” or “Please stop wearing masks! You don’t need one!” The question remains: “Should I wear a mask?”

If you’re like me, you may feel confused and conflicted about this mixed messaging. Is wearing a mask actually unproductive for the individual, or does it simply help the collective society by leaving the masks for the people who need it more? Why do authorities tell us that we do not need to wear them, but at the same time tell us that the masks are so important for certain people?

Is wearing a mask actually unproductive for me, or does it simply help the collective society by leaving the masks for the people who need it more?

How effective are masks?

Let’s start with an analysis on the effectiveness of masks.

Research from Emerging Infectious Diseases called “Face Mask Use and Control of

