Tyler Hill
2 min readSep 9, 2020

I am Tyler Hill and I research life extension. I will be modeling life extension merchandise in the near future and working on research and different products. I invest in things I believe in, so I recently invested in a life extension startup founded by Bobby Ridge. He has his own store on Etsy on life extension. If u purchase and email them that I sent you I get a 25% commission https://www.etsy.com/shop/TranshumanismMerch?ref=simple-shop-header-name&listing_id=822288948

I believe death is a great loss of life and human knowledge. We should work together to improve and expand ourselves as much as possible. We will be able to upload our brains and live forever even after our bodies decline. We will be able reverse aging. Even with all the problems in the world this is an awesome time to be alive. I would love for you to join me in changing the world and making the world a better place. One of my favorite books is The Singularity is Near by Ray Kurzweil and it talks about the amazing changes coming to humanity and the coming singularity. The world will be completely different like never before. We need to increase our intelligence as AI will become more intelligent than us. Ray Kurzweil predicts AI will surpass us by 2029. I’m preparing for this time by bettering myself and learning as much I can. I want to upload my brain with the cloud. I am excited about Elon Musk’s Neuralink. We will be able to cure many mental disorders including autism. Im autistic and it is has been both a curse and a blessing. I am talented in some areas and in some areas not as much. Im not as social as other individuals. I always had some kind of entrepreneur spirit and wanted to form my own path. I want to change the world and make an impact in this field as much I can. I want to spread the word of life extension as much as possible. I love all of Ray’s work and they are truly filled of words of wisdom. He is very intelligent and knows so much about life extension and it is a very exciting journey. We will see a world with a lot less suffering as a result of his work and many others.

Tyler Hill

CEO. Entrepreneur. Investor. Social Media Agency. Social Media Marketer. Adventurer. I have also invested in several startups so far.