My Personal MBA Plan

Tyler Kime
3 min readDec 16, 2023


What is a Personal MBA?

A self-created curriculum built to teach the fundamentals of whatever business focus or skills you want to learn & achieve.

If you want to read more about what a personal MBA is and why I chose to do one, read this post here.

The Plan

Goal — To become an executive-level marketer and leader with a furthered education and strengthened mindset in 18–20 months.

Book Reports — Read 36 books under the categories of:

  1. Marketing & Business
  2. Creativity
  3. Mindset
  4. Leadership

After reading each book, I’ll write a report here, on Medium, with:

  1. Premise & synopsis of the book & why I chose it
  2. Top 5 quotes of impact to remember
  3. Biggest takeaway/strategy to immediately apply
  4. Biggest takeaway/goal to build towards
  5. One note worth implementing on any team/organization

Next, I’ll share each book report with a trusted group of leaders & personal mentors through an email subscription method with the ability to comment on the report here on Medium.

Certifications — Attain 18 high-quality certifications from various leading marketing organizations and platforms.

Meetings — Meet with trusted leaders & personal mentors one-on-one to build relationships and learn from their experiences.

The Books:

Marketing & Business




The Certifications:


HubSpot Academy


Follow my profile to read each book report and updates for my Personal MBA as they come out over the coming months.



Tyler Kime

Christ Follower | Husband | Father | Veteran | Marketing at LCBC Church