7 Tips for Maximizing your Earnings on BTCsurveys.com

Tyler Marx
5 min readApr 23, 2020


Since I launched the BTCsurveys.com back in January, I’ve noticed that there definitely is a strategy for maximizing your earnings while taking surveys. The strategy can be boiled down to 7 main tips, which when applied together, may double or triple your survey earnings per hour worked.

TIP 1: Click “Show More”, and click it a few times.

By default, TheoremReach shows 8 surveys at a time, but you may have more available. Click “SHOW MORE” to reveal 8 more surveys, and then scroll down to click it again. Repeat this process a few times to list out all the available surveys.

TIP 2: Sort surveys by “Length” or “Reward” instead of the default “Best Match”

By default, your surveys are sorted by “Best Match,” although I’ve found it’s better to sort surveys by “Length” or “Reward.” To maximize your earnings, you want to first take surveys that are either extra short or extra high paying. These surveys also fill up faster, so you want to take short or high-paying surveys first because they’re more likely to disappear later.

TIP 3: If a survey has stars, you’re more likely to complete it.

Stars indicate a survey’s rating, which is given by other survey takers. If a survey has no stars, it’s either brand new, or no one has been able to complete it and rate it.

If you’re having no luck getting a full survey (you’re getting weeded out and only getting partial rewards), look for surveys with stars. You’ll have a higher chance of getting accepted to these.

Two Side Notes here

  • It’s still worth trying surveys with no stars — you will be able to complete some of them, and they can pay high.
  • On average, you should be accepted into 20–40% of the surveys you attempt. Part of the survey game is clicking through surveys that will later weed you out. It sucks, but it’s just a part of the survey match-making process.

TIP 4: It’s best to work several 15–30 minute bursts throughout the day vs. one 2-hour shift of taking surveys.

To make the most money, you want to maximize your hourly earn rate. You do this by taking either short surveys or high-paying surveys. Once you’ve been taking surveys for 30 minutes at once, you begin to run out of the high-quality surveys, and you’re left with long surveys that pay very little.

When I take surveys, I log on for only 15 or 30 minutes and take the best surveys available at the moment (as determined by length or reward). Then, I hop off for a couple hours so the list of surveys can reset. When I hop back on again, I have access once more to short, high-paying surveys.

TIP 5: Set a personal threshold for how much a survey should pay you vs. minutes the survey will take.

I only take surveys that pay more than 1,000 satoshis per minute, but your personal rate should be different from mine.

The picture below provides a good example. In this case, I would attempt the first 2 surveys but would ignore the third as it doesn’t pay enough to meet my personal rate.

  • The first pays 1,692 satoshis per minute, as 33,840 / 20 minutes = 1,692.
  • The second pays 2,428 satoshis per minute as 31,560 / 13 = 2,428.
  • The third pays 708 satoshis per minute as 7,080 / 10 = 708

When you have no surveys left that pay enough, it’s a good time to log off and check back in a couple of hours for new surveys.

Your personal rate should be different from mine. Maybe it’s 200 satoshis per minute or 500 satoshis per minute. You should set it based either on the rate that you’re happy working at or based on what allows you to take surveys for 30 minutes before you’re left with nothing but surveys that pay too little. Then, use this payout rate to judge all surveys in the future, deciding which to attempt and which to ignore.

TIP 6: Be honest with your answers. Don’t try to guess what the survey wants to hear.

Here’s a great example: I was attempting a survey that offered $2 for 4 minutes of my time. The survey was for a prominent jewelry company, and it first asked my gender. Many men might think “I should lie and put female as my gender” because they’d think the jewelry company would want to survey women.

I answered honestly and put “male,” and it turned out that the company wanted to survey men on their jewelry-buying habits, of which I have none. However, the reason they were probably paying so much — $2 for 4 minutes—was because they had a tough time finding men to take the survey.

So be honest, and you’ll experience weirdly-specific but high-paying surveys just like that every few days. Also, if you constantly lie on multiple surveys, your account can be banned, and we have to throw out all your survey responses. Then we don’t get paid, and we don’t have the money to pay you either.

TIP 7: Refer others to the site for 10% of their earnings.

Every user has their own referral link at https://btcsurveys.com/referrals/. When you share it with others and they register through your link, you will get 10% of their survey earnings for life. This can create a really nice stream of passive income that supplements your own survey-taking income.

Since you get paid when your referrals get paid, you want to focus on referring high-quality users who will stick with the site long-term. There’s nothing to gain from getting someone to register, but then they never take surveys. Encourage them to take surveys every day just like you, and maybe send them this guide as well.

