Belacam v3.10 Patch Notes

Tyler Marx
3 min readOct 18, 2018


October 18, 2018

These patch notes cover the upgrades that were deployed with Belacam v3.10. This is the first time we’re doing patch notes, and we will continue to post them for future significant upgrades. Let’s welcome Belacam v3.10!

Discover People sorts by Highest Earnings

Users discoverable via the Discover People section are now sorted by default from those who have earned the most to those who have earned the least. We let the money do the talking — if an account has earned a lot, it’s probably posting great content.

Once you follow a user, they will no longer appear in the Discover People section.

Discover Tags now match Trending Tags

Previously, the Discover Tags page simply showed the top 10 most-used tags in the past 24 hours. Our Trending tags (left-hand sidebar on desktop, under the search section on mobile) excludes some low-quality tags to give users a more dynamic, high-quality experience. The Discover Tags section now follows the same exclusions and shows the trending tags in more detail.

SEO Upgrades

SEO improvements were added to Belacam with new meta tags, meta descriptions, and meta titles. This will improve organic traffic to Belacam and help with our ranking order on search engines.

Previous Google description of Didn’t say anything about what Belacam is.

Increased the Maximum Photo Upload Size Limit

When photos are edited (cropped, rotated, or filter added), the file size sometimes increases beyond the upload maximum allowed by our Amazon servers. By changing the POST to a PUT, we now can take in files up to 5GB in size.

Twitter Cards

Sharing Belacam posts on Twitter now shows a visible Twitter card rather than just a hyperlink.

Misc. Bug Fixes

Fixed a bug where language preferences would not save for users in Russia, Indonesia, Vietnam, and India

Fixed a bug where users would get a server error after confirming their withdrawal

Fixed a bug where the “Verify your Email” section would still appear in settings to users that had already verified their email

Fixed a unicode bug with automated emails

Fixed a bug in my personal office chair that caused it to comically sink to 6 inches off the ground during important meetings

Improvements to our admin control panel

