Belacam v3.5 Patch Notes

Tyler Marx
3 min readDec 23, 2018


December 23, 2018

Welcome back to our patch notes!

As usual, these patch notes cover the new features and upgrades that you’ll find in v3.5. If you would rather read about the new features we released 10 days ago, you can check out the v3.4 patch notes here.

Without further ado, let’s get to the good stuff.

Introducing Belacam Atlas: The Android App

In April of 2017, we launched Belacam Beta out of my dorm room at UVA. It proved that you can mix crypto and social media to create something that works.

Many long nights working on Belacam in the basement of the Hancock dorm. Alexis Ohanian and Steve Huffman (the founders of Reddit) lived and worked behind one of those bottom windows as well.

In July of 2018, we launched the new Belacam as you know it now. With nearly 50,000 users, we’ve cemented ourselves as one of the leading crypto social media sites around the world.

On December 30th, we’re releasing Belacam Atlas: The Android App. With 2 billion Android users, Atlas will blow the roof for all those in the Bela community. Let’s watch the promo below:

Isn’t that great? I watch it every few hours because I’m just so pumped about Atlas. With the release date on December 30th, you’re going to see our team promoting this all over the place. We have a big week of hype and excitement ahead of us.

The great thing about Atlas is that it takes us above and beyond our competitors. Steemit does not yet have an official Android app. On December 30th, we will beat them to that market and the 2 billion people Android devices.

New Feature: A New Starting Tutorial

With a site as unique as Belacam, a major key to attracting and retaining more users, both in terms of quantity and quality, is an engaging but effective tutorial. Since that April 2017 launch, new users have pretty much been on their own after signing up. We took new users to a page where they were shown a big bulk of text. If anyone read it, it would tell them how to use Belacam. But no one did.

And that has been poor design on our part.

Now, new users are taken to a Getting Started page where we walk them through the basics in an engaging and vibrant way. There are four parts to the new tutorial: the first two provide brief information, the third helps new users follow a few prominent accounts, and we end with the user posting their first photo.

One of the 4 sections of the new Tutorial

With an understanding of how Belacam works, we should see new accounts engage better with other users and the site. I would predict that we will see a rise in likes given per day and photos shared as well.

Notification Following Improvements

In an effort to streamline some common processes on the site, we added in a Follow Back button to the notification menu. When someone follows you, you have the option to easily follow them back. This feature has existed for a couple weeks now, and we’ve added some small improvements that serve to make it even better. Exciting.

