Student, Storyteller

Tyler Neylon
2 min readJun 13, 2016


I like to learn and to make. This is how my thinking has evolved.


When I was new, I wanted to know everything. I wanted to be a master of all.

I saw that I couldn’t know everything, so I wanted to know everything about one topic. I wanted to focus.

I saw that I couldn’t know everything, even about one topic, so I looked at how far I’d come from where I started.

I saw that mastery wasn’t just about knowing, but about changing and growing. So I want to be a student.


When I was new, I wanted to be the best in my field at making things people liked.

I found that what people like is hard to predict or change, so I wanted to be the best in my field at making things that I like.

I saw that everyone wanting to be the best means disappointment for all but one, so I wanted to do my best at making things I like.

I found that what I make comes from how I make, and not the other way. So I wanted to grow as a maker of things I like.

I saw that stories are what connect people to things made, so I wanted to grow as a teller of stories.


Instead of forgetting who I once was, or what I once wanted, I remember. These perspectives conflict, but I hold on to all of them. They are part of who I am. I reflect on the original perspectives that brought me here, I value the new perspectives that make me who I am today, and I look forward to the ideas I have yet to learn that will define who I become.



Tyler Neylon

Founder of Unbox Research. Machine learning engineer. Previously at Primer, Medium, Google.