Deadpool & Wolverine — Teaser Trailer Review

Tyler Robertson
3 min readFeb 12, 2024


I’m currently sitting here watching the Super Bowl (go 49ers) and I’m actually enjoying the slew of movie trailers we’ve been getting tonight. I’ve reluctantly and bitterly accepted that regular old commercials haven’t been funny or entertaining in at least a decade, but we can usually rely on some solid trailers, including this first official look at the third Deadpool film, Deadpool & Wolverine.

I gotta be honest, this trailer reveals a lot of surprises for me personally, but it does so in a way where it doesn’t feel like it’s actively spoiling anything, which is always a plus. The first surprise was how surprisingly scary Wade Wilson looks in a wig and I’m convinced that he’s going to become my new sleep paralysis demon. But right after that, we see him get taken away by surprise #2: The Time Variance Authority from the Loki series. I truly had no idea that they’d be involved in this film, but wait, there’s even more. What’s more is that Matthew Macfadyen is in this movie, which shocked me more than I care to admit. Shout out to my fellow Succession fans who understand his talent as an actor and I’m actually glad to see more of him.

I obviously knew of this movie being the one to being Deadpool and the X-Men into the Marvel Cinematic Universe and this trailer delivers on teasing us with the possibilities on that front. For me, trailers like this are where I just start combing through them and looking for any and all little details that I may have missed. In regards to the MCU connections, I feel like I saw a lot of things to look forward to. It looks like we get small glimpses of Tilda Swinton’s Ancient One, Alioth from Loki, and even an action set piece that looks like it’s taking place during the opening scene from Avengers: Age of Ultron. And of course, we have Deadpool basically saying that he’s going to shake up the MCU, which is something that I really think Marvel needs at this point. This trailer points to Deadpool still having his R-rated edge and I’m completely down for that same edge just ripping Disney a new one in regards to how they’ve handled Marvel lately.

This trailer also shows less of Wolverine than I expected. We only see his silhouette, but it makes sense. This is a teaser that’s meant to just sell the basic premise of the movie and I honestly think that the silhouette is all we need, especially since we’ve all known that Hugh Jackman is returning for a long time. I’m still feeling slightly cynical and jaded about 2017’s Logan no longer being the swan song for the character, so it’s probably for the best that he doesn’t show up a lot in this trailer. Maybe my thoughts on the character’s return will change as we get closer to the film’s release date, so we’ll just have to wait and see.

The score of the Super Bowl was 10–6 with the 49ers leading when I started typing this post, but now the Chiefs are leading 13–10, so I’m gonna take that as my cue to end this brief review. The overall point here is that this trailer is good and it’s gotten me anticipating the movie more, and that’s saying something since I’ve been slightly more pessimistic about the film than most lately. I’m just really hoping that this is the big shake-up that the MCU really needs right now.



Tyler Robertson

Just trying to find my place in the world and watching movies while I do it.