Hello World, Meet Crema.co

Tyler Tate
2 min readJan 27, 2015


Do you remember the last time you faced the crushing blow of realizing that you had, in fact, run out of coffee? Have you ever stood in the supermarket aisle and felt uninspired by the coffee selection? Or have you ever wondered who exactly grew those beans that you just poured into the grinder?

If any of those experiences resonate with you, then you’re going to be excited about Crema.

Simply put, Crema is reinventing the way people discover, buy, and enjoy coffee.

At Crema, we’re building the world’s largest marketplace of single-origin coffee; we are connecting coffee drinkers, roasters, and growers like never before; and we’re empowering people like you to source exceptional coffee while at the same time give back to the communities that produced it.

More specifically, Crema is:

  1. One marketplace, many roasters. Crema helps you discover exceptional coffees from independent roasters. A bit like an Etsy marketplace just for coffee.
  2. A coffee subscription that puts you in control. Crema enables you to add multiple coffees to your Brew List, choose how often you want a new shipment, and then receive the next item on your list each time. It’s like a playlist or Netflix queue for coffee.
  3. Single-origin, made personal. We believe coffee becomes all the more enjoyable when you get to know the people who grew it. That’s why, in collaboration with roasters, we make it a priority to tell the coffee grower’s story through text, photograph, video, and map. Think National Geographic meets coffee shop.
  4. Social impact with every bag. Giving back to the communities in which coffee is grown is something that’s really important to us. We’ll be announcing more about our social impact program as the details are finalized.

Are you as excited as we are yet?

We’re currently working hard to get Crema ready to go public, but we need your help. If you’d like to be one of the first to participate in Crema’s private beta release, use the form on Crema.co to sign up for updates. Also, if you have any ideas or feedback — or know a roaster who may be interested in selling their coffee on Crema — then just drop me a line at tyler@crema.co.

Drink coffee. Live well.

Originally published on January 27, 2015.

