Swift Arrays vs. Sets: Choosing the Right Collection Type for Your iOS Project

Krish Mittal
3 min readMar 15, 2024

When it comes to managing collections of data in Swift, we often find ourselves deciding between arrays and sets. Both arrays and sets are essential data structures, each with its unique characteristics and use cases. Understanding the differences between them is crucial for making informed decisions in iOS development. In this article, we’ll explore the distinctions between Swift arrays and sets and discuss when to use each in your projects.

Arrays: Ordered Collections with Duplicates

Arrays in Swift are ordered collections of elements that allow duplicates. This means we can store multiple instances of the same element within an array, and the order in which elements are added is preserved. Arrays are versatile and commonly used for tasks such as storing lists of items, managing sequential data, or implementing stacks and queues.

Arrays are particularly suitable when:

1. Order Matters: If the order of elements is important, arrays are the way to go. We can rely on the index of each element to determine its position within the collection.

2. Need for Duplicates: When the data may contain duplicates, arrays allow us to store and manage multiple occurrences of the same element efficiently.

3. Sequential Access: If we frequently need to access elements sequentially or iterate over the entire collection, arrays provide efficient performance for such operations.

Sets: Unordered Collections with Unique Elements

Sets in Swift are unordered collections of unique elements. Unlike arrays, sets do not preserve the order in which elements are added, and each element in a set is guaranteed to be unique. Sets are valuable for tasks such as removing duplicates from a collection, testing membership, or performing mathematical operations like union, intersection, and difference.

Sets are particularly suitable when:

1. Need for Uniqueness: If we need to ensure that each element in our collection is unique, sets offer built-in support for enforcing this constraint.

2. Efficient Membership Testing: Sets provide fast membership testing, allowing us to quickly check whether a specific element is present in the collection.

3. Mathematical Operations: When we need to perform operations like union, intersection, or difference between collections, sets offer convenient methods for these tasks. Some of them are as follows:

  • Union: Combining elements from two sets into a single set, excluding duplicates.
  • Intersection: Finding elements common to both sets.
  • Difference: Obtaining elements present in one set but not the other.
  • Subset: Testing if all elements of one set are present in another set.
  • Superset: Testing if a set contains all elements of another set.
  • Disjoint: Checking if two sets have no common elements.
  • Exclusive Or (Symmetric Difference): Obtaining elements that are in either of the sets, but not in both.

In conclusion, arrays and sets are both valuable collection types in Swift, each serving distinct purposes in iOS development. By understanding their differences and considering your specific requirements, we can choose the right collection type to effectively manage our data and optimise the performance of our iOS applications.

