Unveiling Apple GPT: A Closer Look at Apple’s Generative AI Endeavors

Types Digital
3 min readJul 19, 2023


In the world of artificial intelligence, fierce competition among tech giants has become the norm. While OpenAI and Google have been making waves with their generative AI tools like ChatGPT and Bard, Apple Inc. has quietly entered the race. The Cupertino-based company is working diligently on its own artificial intelligence tools, aiming to challenge the dominance of its competitors. However, Apple has yet to finalize its strategy for bringing these groundbreaking technologies to the hands of consumers.

Behind the scenes, Apple has been busy developing its own framework called “Ajax” to create large language models. These models are the backbone of AI-based systems that power cutting-edge applications such as ChatGPT and Google’s Bard. With Ajax as its foundation, Apple has taken a step further by creating its own chatbot service, affectionately known among engineers as “Apple GPT.”

The development of Apple GPT showcases the company’s commitment to harnessing the potential of generative AI. By building its own AI tools, Apple aims to leverage the power of language models to enhance user experiences across its ecosystem of devices and services. However, unlike its competitors, Apple has yet to unveil a clear plan for the release and integration of these AI tools into its products.

While Apple’s foray into generative AI may still be shrouded in mystery, industry experts speculate that the company’s focus on privacy and data protection will play a significant role in shaping its AI strategy. Apple’s strong emphasis on user privacy has always been a hallmark of its products, and it’s likely that the company will incorporate stringent privacy measures into its AI technologies to safeguard user data.

Apple’s ambition to challenge the AI dominance of OpenAI and Google is evident. By developing its own AI tools, Apple aims to push the boundaries of what’s possible in the realm of generative AI. While the specs of Apple GPT and its capabilities remain largely undisclosed, it’s expected that the company’s chatbot service will offer unique features and functionalities tailored to the Apple ecosystem.

As Apple continues to refine its AI technologies, the question remains:

  • When will consumers get a taste of Apple GPT?
  • Will it be integrated seamlessly into the next iteration of iOS or macOS, or will it be launched as a standalone product?

Apple’s meticulous approach to product development suggests that the company will carefully consider the best way to introduce its AI tools to the market, ensuring a seamless and user-friendly experience.


If anyone is questioning how quickly AI will develop, consider that just in the last week alone we have seen:

— xAi announced by Elon Musk

— LLAMA 2 announced by Mark Zuckerberg & Meta

— News of Apple GPT being built by Apple That’s just one week.

In the background you have tens of billions of dollars being spent by Google, Apple, Meta, Tesla, Microsoft, NVIDIA, IBM and others, in an AI arms race of sorts. I tell everyone I talk to, to pay attention to AI.

If you don’t at least begin to use the various large language models and understand them, as well as the trajectory of the space, you will be left behind.

Is AI more of a blessing or a curse?



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