7 min readApr 27, 2022

RoboFi Ecosystem review or if you want to be part of the RoboFi project!


Hi guys!

The same Typpak is here and we have an interesting project on the agenda, for the most interested in trading bots, but which at the same time has nothing to do with them! No, dont think, bots are here, but they are completely different and have differences from real trading bots in the markets!

The RoboFi ecosystem is the first DeFi platform to offer decentralized autonomous bots (DABots) based on DAO and blockchain technology for all. We introduce the VICS token as fuel for the RoboFi ecosystem.

This is a direct quote from the RoboFi website, we are dealing with a completely new product.


The RoboFi platform already allows you to create an initial bot offering that raises funds into pools to provide the bots themselves in various trading segments! There are two important roles in this system: stakers, governance users and bot creators:

Stakers provide assets to the pool and receive income back based on their decision.

Governance users are simply put, shareholders who have a stake in DABot, can change various settings and parameters and also receive some income from their actions!

Bot creators — reative and knowledgeable people, they create smart-contracts that are built into bots right into RoboFi, the main lever for building a trading machine!

A detailed description of the roles:

Bot creator:

  1. The DAO principle is used to lay down smart contracts that can be edited to distribute and control the bot
  2. The creator sets the initial settings of the bot
  3. The creator sees all RoboFi DABots using VICS tokens, as well as those using G-tokens and C-tokens
  4. Creator starts IBO (Intial Bot Offering) with specified settings
  5. Direct management of bots under the control of the creator, which reward activity


  1. Staker sees a list of all bots that are about to launch or have already launched
  2. The staker can choose what to steak and has the very possibility of staking. It can be sTokens (sBUDS, sUSDT, sBNB and other) or regular currencies (BUSD, USDT, BNB), in return you get a certain amount of C-tokens
  3. With C-tokens you can receive rewards, the rewards are paid in the same currency as you steak
  4. To receive rewards for C-tokens you must lock them, you have the ability to unlock at any time
  5. Stakers can convert C-tokens back to currencies (BUSD, USDT, BNB) or sTokens (sBUDS, sUSDT, sBNB)

Governance user:

  1. Governance user sees a list of all bots that are about to launch or have already launched
  2. A future governance user can buy G-tokens and become a full-fledged governance user of a DABots
  3. If you have G-tokens, you can receive rewards that are paid in VICS tokens
  4. Also, if you want to redeem G-tokens, do it! You will get back VICS tokens
  5. Governance user can change/edit DABot settings (for example, the distribution of earnings for all from the DABot) through the voting protocol
  6. Has the ability to participate in DABots games

Important to know: there are no role restrictions, a bot creator can become a governance user, a staker can become a bot creator, and so on!

A complete ecosystem

The RoboFi ecosystem is full of features and components within it. Some of them may be familiar to you, but there are completely unknown departments within it. Lets talk about them!

RoboFI Ecosystem now

Many things here are ready and can be used by you personally, but also many things are in development and will be added soon!

RoboFi Store — the place where all the DABots are at different stages, which is three of them! This component is used by everyone and is especially useful for bot creators, because it is used to regulate the DABot at its various stages.

RoboFi Treasury — a key link in the ecosystem is this place or just a bridge for converting different currencies into other currencies and vice versa. Those same sTokens are a copy of regular currencies and have a ratio of 1 to 1. Convert your BUSD, USDT, BNB into sBUSDT, sUSDT, sBNB respectively!

RoboFi Exchange — is an exchange point where people can sell and buy DABot tokens. At the same time, the volume of these tokens can reach a large scale and vice versa, which creates a liquid environment. Try to sell your tokens or buy them at a good price. In development.

RoboFi Lending — simple and straightforward credit system, if you do not have certain assets for the bot and you suddenly want to get into the community of a certain DABot. Here the principle of more collateral than the amount of the possible loan itself will be used to ensure safety and risk. In development.

RoboFi Earn — the name speaks of stable earnings on the RoboFi platform, which many would like to have. It wont keep you away from the risks, but it will obviously reduce them if you just invest your money and watch the dynamics of DABots trading. In development.

DABots — decentralized autonomous bots based on the DAO principle in blockchain technology. These are algorithms or programs for trading and profiting from it. There are DEX DABots, CEX DABots and Farming DABots. DEX are decentralized platforms, while CEX are centralized. Farming are liquidity pools where commissions generate profits.

RoboFi Wallet — is a decentralized wallet. It has a mnemonic phrase and a pair of private and public keys. If you dont have Metamask or another similar wallet to connect to, you are free to create your own on the RoboFi platform! Keep in mind that if you lose the phrase from your wallet, you will not be able to restore your wallet in any way. We do not store your data.

Token VICS

The VICS token was invented to provide an organic and natural environment in the RoboFi ecosystem! It is the main tool that has its own purpose.

His total supply is 600,000,000 tokens, here are his dynamics and price in the screenshot:

Token VICS

Why is the VICS token so important?

As i said, he is the main tool in the RoboFi ecosystem. It is important for all users of the platform, no matter what role you have, whether you are a governance user or a bot creator, it doesnt matter.

Governance user: VICS token is important for governance users because it is used to buy and sell DABot token. Dont forget that the rewards for DABots tokens are also paid in VICS, which means they will have a liquid asset on hand to sell or invest again.

Steaker: Its not directly touched on and inherently not that important to stakers. But if you want to become a governance user, you have to have the necessary amount of VICS on your balance, you can buy it on the market or get it by other means.

Bot creator: Bot creators can place their DABots in the RoboFi Store, correctly calculate the cost of G-tokens for a particular DABot, and also join the IBO with everyone else!

This shows the importance of the VICS token in the ecosystem and rest assured that it will find more use as new departments come out in the RoboFi ecosystem!

This is just a small part of the story of the wonderful RoboFi project, which represents the best crypto trading bots on the market! Im getting into it and i can work on the RoboFi project enough to start educating you on it! At the moment i dont see any analogues of such system and project idea, such bots can become an innovation and a new branch of project development, because trends in the cryptocurrency world are changing very fast!

About RoboFi

RoboFi (www.robofi.io) is a Defi platform that envisions a marketplace for revolutionary Dao crypto trading bots. Through its IBO (Initial Bot Offering) system, community members can maximize their earnings in an easy, simple, and secure way. We create a safe and transparent environment based on blockchain technologies that help developers bring crypto trading bot platforms to the market. In addition, individuals will have easy access to these bot applications, thereby generating more earning opportunities. RoboFi ecosystem is fueled by the $VICS token.

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